The Party

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Marlene's point of view:
I walked upstairs to our dormitory and flopped down on my bed. Lily looked up from her book.
"Hey." Lily said.
"Hey." I yawned.
"I hope you're not too tired, we have to go to the party." Lily said.
"Don't worry, I'm sure a few bottles of firewhiskey will wake me up." I said.
"Hi!" Alice as she walked in.
Lily and I greeted her.
"There's something I need to tell you." Lily said, twirling her hair nervously.
"What is it Lil?" I asked.
"James asked me out, again. And he was being really sweet and I said yes." Lily said.
"You what?" I gasped.
"That's no all. I kissed his cheek."
"Awwwwww" Alice gushed.
"Shit." I muttered under my breath. "I bet Black you wouldn't go out with James."
Lily and Alice giggled.
Alice did my hair so it fell in light blonde curls. We got dressed and headed downstairs. The common room was packed with loud, chatting and laughing people. Wizard rock blasted in my ears. We spotted James, Remus and Peter in the crowd and went over to join them.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hello ladies." James said smirking. "Where's Black? Did he get drunk and pass out already?" I asked.
"He's here somewhere." James replied.
I scanned the crowd and spotted Sirius leaning against the wall and flirting with a tall blonde girl. Anger pulsed through me, I couldn't help it.
"I need a drink." I muttered.
Why are you so jealous? Asked a voice in my head. I wished with all my heart I wasn't. We're just friends, I told myself over and over in my head. It was one kiss. How could I be so stupid as to think it meant something? I guess I was the only one that felt a spark when our hands touched. He had broken a thousand girls hearts, I'm no different, nothing special.
I did the only thing a sensible person would do when they were feeling angry, jealous, and heart broken, I drank. I took a large swig. The firewhiskey burned throat as I swallowed.  I felt a little better. I downed the whole bottle.
"Hey baby." A voice said behind me. I turned around and found myself face to face with Tomas Clay, a Gryfinndor seventh year. He was cute, he had brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Marlene right?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Do you want to dance?" He asked.
I looked over at Sirius and smirked. Two can play that game Black.
"I'd love to." I replied.

Sirius's point of view:
She kissed me, I deepened the kiss. It was dark and I could faintly hear the music coming from the common room. I smirked as my hand found her bra strap.
Suddenly light flooded into the dark broom cupboard. Someone had opened the door. Frank and Alice stood in the door way. Lydia blushed and giggled.
"Um sorry we were just um-" Frank said.
"Don't worry mate, we'll let you have the spot to yourselves." I said.
Alice had been glaring at me the entire time. What's her problem?
Lydia and I left the cupboard and went back to the party.
"I'll grab us some drinks. Try not to miss me too much." I said.
She giggled.
Marlene was in the process of getting drinks when I walked over. She looked beautiful. I was left breathless.
"Black? What are you looking at?" Marlene asked.
"What?! Nothing!" I said.
She laughed and her blue eyes sparkled.
"Are you drunk too? I'm surprised I can stand up, but you know I can handle my liquor far better than you." She said smiling.
I pretended to scoff. "No way Mickinnon."
She was about to retort when someone bumped into her and she fell forward. I caught her. Her body was pressed against mine. My heart was beating faster. I brushed a strand of light blonde hair out of her face.
"Alright Mickinnon?" I asked.
"I'm alright Black." She said softly, leaning in closer. My heart pounded. I pulled away. She tried to mask the hurt on her face.
"Marlene? What took you so long?" Tomas Clay asked.  "I was starting to worry." He mumbled, kissing Marlene's neck.
I clenched my fists. Who does this guy think he is?!
Marlene looked at me, smirked and looked back at Tomas. She kissed him back.
"Meet me in the guy's dormitory in 5 minutes." He whispered in her ear.
"See you in five minutes." She whispered. He left.
"What the hell Mickinnon?!" I yelled.
"Oh shut up!" She spat back.
"You're seriously going to sleep with a guy you just met?! You're acting like a SLUT!" I yelled.
She punched me hard in the jaw.
"GO TO HELL! I never want to see you again!" She said venomously.
I realized people had been staring. It was silent as Marlene angrily strutted out of the room. Lily and Alice went after her.
Eventually the party continued. I should have been angry or upset or something, but I felt nothing. I didn't notice the burn of the firewhiskey when it went down my throat. Going back to the broom cupboard with the blonde girl didn't cheer me up.
All I could think about was Marlene and the way she made me feel. And the way I screwed up.

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