Chapter 2- Quinn

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" Major emergencies call for severe measures. Intense traffic block the freeway entrances including police officers and firefighters. Hospitals are overflowing with ill patients and will eventually be forced to close. Several disagreements and fights are also breaking loose in nearby neighborhoods. We'll come back with more information and details on the story. Back to you Dan." The reporter on the news finishes her story and Brooklyn turns off the t.v. I turn to my friends. How did we not know any of this was happening?

"Um, should we call our parents?" I asked. "I mean this is crazy."

"If it was that crazy, don't you think our parents would have called us by now, Quinn?" asked Nico. "Actually, mom did call, Nico, she said to be careful. She's trying to get out of work as soon as possible." said Sofi. By now we were getting a little worried. I mean, police should get this under control right?

"How did you get reception?" asked Jason. "I still get reception at the park Brooklyn and I went to," she said. "Maybe we should go there to call our parents." We all got up nervously, grabbed our phones from the kitchen, and left the house.

"I'll stay here," said Lukey. "My parents are probably gonna come back anyways. They'll be scared if I was missing while all of this was happening," he said.

"I'll stay with you then. Brooke, call mom if you can. Tell her I'm ok and that I'm with Lucas." said Emma. We said goodbye and walked out the house, the rest of us in hopes that we could talk to our parents.

"You know what, I think Nico and I are just gonna go home. It's safer there and I think my mom will be happier if she knows we're at home where we're safe." she said. "Brooklyn, could you drive us there?"

"Ya of course," he said, and they began to make their way back to the car.

"Hey guys, be careful on the streets. It was pretty crazy." says Jason cautiously.

"Come on," I say. "Let's see if we can talk to our parents. As we make our way to the park, a police car comes speeding down the road, and stops right in front of us.

"Excuse me, I need you guys to get back indoors immediately. There's some weird stuff going on here, and it's safer if you stay inside," he stammers.

"Um ok, we were just leaving," I reply. He rolls up the window and speeds down the street, without saying another word.

"Let's just go back inside, there's no point in trying to go home," I tell Nico. He shrugs his shoulders and starts walking back inside the house.

As we enter the front door, we hear sirens in the distance, oblivious to what's happening.

"What's up?" asks Jason

" Some weird stuff is apparently going on, I bet," Sofi replies and turns on the T.V. , putting on the news, where this blond lady was speaking if front of an huge building with firefighters around it and ambulances.

" Breaking News America! Breaking News! Apparently an unknown virus is spreading. Scientists working in the A.D.D.P. , the American Disease Department of America, which is on the green screen behind me,were working on an cure, when while they were testing it, the lab had caught on fire and had exploded! We think the virus somehow escaped!"

" Thats right America!" The man next to her said. Then she continued.

" People are being infected with what we think is the escaped virus. If you have it, you will just think it's a normal cold, but it's not. The symptoms are runny nose, your hair lose, having a constant bloody nose, growing sores and boils, and some of your teeth falling out. Please stay indoors at all time!" When she stopped talking, pictures of some people were shown who had the dangerous disease that started out as Ebola but gradually mutated cause of the chemicals mixed into them. Accompanied with pictures of a lab in flames. They looked like zombies! After the pictures were shown the lady started taking again, " Please stay safe and d-" The T.V. then turned all staticy and turned off by itself. Nico walks quickly to the tv and presses the power button, several

" It's not working!" He says pressing the button multiple times. Again and again.

This is weird. Whats happening! This isn't normal I think to myself.

All of the sudden , we hear banging on the door. Nico goes quickly over. " Nico be careful!" Brooklyn says accompanying him to the door. " Who is it?" A distinct muffling sound echoes through the house, coming from the other side of the door, putting our hair on end.

" I think it's the cop!" Sofi says coming over to the front door where everyone is huddled around.

" Then open it!" Lukey and everyone else says in unison.

" Gosh...ok!" Sofi replies, " Nico, open the door carefully."

Nico responded before she could finish and had his hand already on the knob . He starts to turn it slowly. He opens it just a crack, but Brooklyn slams it closed. "Stop!" says Brooklyn, "Check the peephole first smart-one."

Nico jams his head to see the peephole, and slowly takes it back out. A look full of confusion on his face.

"No one."

The rest of the group gives Nico looks of judgement, as if they didn't really believe anything.

"Oh come on are you kidding me?" I walk over to the door and practically tear it open. I walk out onto the driveway look around first and check to make sure that the coast was clear.

"Wow guys, nothing."

A sharp pain shoots up my leg, and the next thing I know I'm on the ground, blood everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure collide with something else. My vision goes blurry and I black out.

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