Chapter 12- Lukey

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  "Let's grab that one," I tell Nico as we catch a glimpse of a red Honda. He nods in agreement. Lucky for us, the keys were still inside the vehicle. I grab the ax I got from my garage and swing at the driver's window. It shatters upon impact, glass rains down on my feet. I reach in and unlock the door, a slight beep goes off. I grab the keys from the seat and turn on the ignition. Nothing.

"Nico, check out the engine will you," I tell him while I try again. Still nothing. I try again, and this time I hear the roar of the engine.

"Sweet! Let's move it," I tell him. I leave the keys in the ignition, and tell Nico to start pushing from the back. I steer and push while maneuvering it into position. I turn it right so that it blocks off most of the the entrance of the street.

We repeat the same process on the other side, locating a pickup truck to block off the street. That's until I see the Cadillac . I pull Nico by his collar, and drag him to show him.

"Holy cr-" he manages before I start running. I jump over the hood of the pickup, practically sprinting towards it. I clutch the ax tightly, preparing myself if anything decided to try to kill me. Once I get there, panting, I try to look for the keys. They're not in the car, so they must be in the house. I nod over to Nico. He agrees.

We break open the house, unaware of anything that might be inside. I hear a scream, and then a dark figure tackles Nico to the floor. The woman in the kitchen drops whatever she was holding, the sounds rings throughout the house.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I practically scream, ripping the man from Nico."Mr. and Mrs. Django, we're sorry, we didn't know there were any other neighbors around. We figured the houses were empty."

The man shakes his head, and gets off of Nico. "Well it's good to see that you're still alive Lucas. Where are your parents?" He asks me, slowly pulling himself up. I shake my head, "No idea."

"Well, thanks for busting our door, again." I smile, remembering the time I accidently broke their door with a baseball.

"Again, we're really sorry. If you ever need anything, come over and ask."

He nods his head, "You too Lucas."

We set out again, feeling guilty. Maybe my parents are still alive. Maybe all of our parents are still alive, waiting for us, or waiting to get to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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