Chapter 9- Emma

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 Two days have passed since Jason and Quinn left. All we've been doing here has just been sitting and moping, and helping Lukey get better. His eyes are a lot better, but he says he has trouble sleeping. I've been sleeping with Sofi, up in the Lukey's parent's room. Lukey has been sleeping in his room, and the other boys, Nico and Brooklynn, have have been sleeping in the guest bedroom. I haven't heard anything from my parents yet. Sofi and Nico haven't heard from theirs either, and neither has Lukey. None of us have. It's just all messed up around here. At night you can hear screaming, coming from miles away. Other than that, nothing. No sign of help, and no sign of anyone period.

We are all to scared to leave the safety of Lukey's house. Anything could happen out there. We are doing well with food and water of course...It's only been two days of this apocalypse, whatever, you want to call it. There have been two incidents with zombies in the backyard today. They probably came in by climbing the side gate I imagine. Both of them were females, one was a little girl, maybe five or six and she was with what I think must have been her mom which was the other female zombie. The little girl was holding a grey dirty teddy bear, which was missing an arm,and a quarter of her face was missing from her left eye down to her chin. We could see her skeleton because of that and her jaw too. She walked limping with one shoe and had dirty matted blonde hair, with stains of red, blood. The other zombie looked way older and taller. We thi- well...Nico and Brooklyn thought and still believe it was the mom, but it most likely wasn't. Anyways, she was missing an arm, just like the little girl's teddy bear, her thigh was missing and the only thing in that spot washin. We could see her skeleton because of that and her jaw too. She walked limping with one shoe and had dirty matted blonde hair, with stains of red, blood. The other zombie had part of her leg missing and you could see her femur instead of her thigh. It was probably eaten off when she got attacked. She was naked though, and she was as skinny as an stick. Her hair was gone and only a few tiny strands were left. She was also stained with blood in some areas, had pimples, boils, bruises, and held the little girls hand. Well..... Sofi and I cleaned them up pretty fast, and disposed of the bodies. Now we are all just sitting here talking.

"So...anyone want breakfast?" I ask quietly. I look around at my friends. Looks like none of them got much sleep last night. Sofi stands up and nods, getting up to go to the refrigerator.

"We're out of milk..." replies Sofi.

Just as Sofi stops speaking, the power goes off.

"Well that can't be good, first the signal dies now this" commenter Brooklyn. Nico gets up to go check the light switches. They don't work.

"It was only a matter of time really," replies Lukey, "We can't expect to get very far with no power."

Brooklyn shakes his head. Sofi closes the fridge door slowly. This is not good at all.

"Ok, so what now?" I ask.

"I seriously think we should get out of here, find our parents, and go home," says Sofi.

"Well, we can't really start anywhere. We can check their workplace, but I doubt they'd be there. Any of them," replies Lukey.

We all nod in agreement, without power, we're not going to last very much longer.

The days are beginning to get longer and longer, as all of us wait for a sign of our parents, or any sign at all. The only signs we get are the walkers and a helicopter here or there, but rarely. There is always some black smoke in the distance from burned houses or signal fires. Every night we listen for signs of zombies that are outside the house,walking or hunting for food in packs. 

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