Mend My Heart To Break It

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** A/N: Hey you! So I'm working on another story that's different in genre from this one here. It's called Ruin and I'd love for you to take a look! Thank you for the reads on this one and I'm still working on it, promise. It'd be awesome if you could leave a vote for me! (:**

"My fault!?  What about you, you freaking idiot!"

"How can you call me the idiot, when you're the one that broke it!"

"Guys, really, it's just a glass cup, I can pay for it," Niko assured them, smiling and raising his hands out as if they would soon turn on him.

We were all dressed and ready to go to Sebastian's, um, place? Whatever, so then while we were walking out, both Mason and Carter were in a rush and bumped into Niko, making him drop a glass of water he got while waiting for the rest of us. Once it cracked, Mason and Carter turned on one another instantly.

Carter jabbed a finger toward Mason, "No, Niko, let rich boy over here pay for it!"

Mason ignored him and frowned at Niko, holding up a hand at him, "Yes, let me pay for it, please, because we all know Carter would rather gamble than to pay for his own mistake!"

"Are you just going to stand here or are you going to stop them?" Carson came up beside me and asked.

I just watched the guys argue back and forth. "And ruin my night? No, thanks," I replied. "But if you want to give it a go, be my guest."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Drey shoot forward and crash into Carter, while using her foot to shove Mason toward a wall. After she and Carter fell to the floor, she stood up and straightened her outfit. Mason stood as well and glared venomously, but soon recovered and just looked away.

"I told you I was done watching you both treat one another like shit. Either you get along, or you don't say a single word to one another for the rest of this trip, got it?" she smiled. "Well, do you?"

They both finally mumbled a reply, sulking in their anger.

Mar frowned and said quietly to me, "They're getting worse with one another. I know Carter's being this way because he's looking out for you, but Mason usually does a better job at just not interacting with Carter at all."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm saying that something is up with Mason. You wouldn't happen to know what it is, would you?"

"Not a clue."

Carson just eyed me then walked away, leaving Mar and I.

"Bail... When I talked to Sebastian, I caught onto something he said."


"He said he looked forward to having dinner with us, and that Mason and Carson are more than welcome to join."

I frowned, "Okay, so?"

She sighed impatiently, "I never told him who they were, let alone their names when we first spoke to him at Randy's or earlier. How does he know them?"

"His dad was a friend of our dad, maybe he was in on dad keeping your family's letters from you. If so, then maybe Sebastian caught on about who they were and put two and two together," I shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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