Ch. 13: Sewn Back Together

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Drey hasn't spoken to Mar and I since last night. We had school tomorrow, and Mason and Carson were coming here today, which only added to the intensity. On the other hand, Carter kept going on about how our dinner was going to be romantic and what not.

I kept trying to think of ways to let him down easy but... He's Carter. So, I'm just lying in bed until the time comes when I have to get ready or when Mason and Carson come by. Either option is not my ideal.

"Bail?" Jason called through my door.

I was facing the ceiling, so I propped myself up on my elbows and hollered for him to come in. When he did, he ran toward me and jumped into the bed, making me have a second long panic attack.

"So, what's you and Carter going to do tonight, huh, huh, huh?" he smirked.

I glared, "You mean 'What are you and Carter doing tonight', you idiot."

"You forgot the three 'huhs'," he pointed out.

"What do you want, Jason?" I asked impatiently.

He sighed and lied back on my many throw pillows. "Want to know a secret?" he asked after a second or two.

Realizing that he was going to be this difficult for a while, I groaned and threw myself back onto the pillows as well. "Lay it on me," I said in monotone.

"So... I know why Carter wants to take you out. But, it's a secret," he smiled.

I elbowed him, "Why the hell would you act like you're going to tell me, if you aren't!"

He rubbed his side, "Ow, geez, I am going to tell you! I meant that it's a secret that I'm telling you."

He didn't convince me, I knew he was lying. "Uh-huh, sure. Now, why?" I asked eagerly.

He glared at me, pouted, then ran out of the room suddenly.

"Jason! What the f- Ugh!" I groaned and slammed the bed with my fist. I swear, sometimes I just really hate the guys.

"Why are you yelling?" Mar snickered, coming in and lying down beside me. Then, she sighed, "What are we gonna do, Bail?"

I took a deep breath, as if to calm myself, and shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Really. I mean, it's never gotten this bad between the three of us. I never knew Drey was this hurt over you having brought Mason and Carson home. She seemed really happy that you were coming back just earlier yesterday," I admitted.

"Know what else I noticed?" she asked. When I 'hm'd' in response lazily, she continued, "She hasn't been smoking since she started dating Niko."

I turned to her, then back to the ceiling. "Huh. No kidding, right?" I thought back to the past events.

"What wrong with her, Bail? I'm glad she pulled back on the sticks... But she's changed. She's not bubbly, she's not- She's not our sister," she said, her voice falling to a whisper at the end.

I felt my heart tug at this truth. She was so different and we didn't even know why or noticed that it happened. We were stuck in the aftermath. Before I could get all choked up, a knock came at my door.

"Uh, yeah?" I called, swallowing back some tears and sitting up.

Carter stepped in and sighed, "They're here, princess."

We went downstairs and saw Jason, Niko, Carson, Mason, and Drey all standing in the foyer uncomfortably.

"We can't," Carson sniffed. "I can't stay here, feeling so guilty."

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