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"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Jeff stormed into Ben's room and grabbed Hoodie by his collar. "I'M GONNA FUCKING SNAP YOUR NECK YOU SICK FREAK!!!" He growled as he slammed hoodie against the wall, holding him there. Hoodie laughed "give me your best shot bitch!!!!".Jeff threw hoodie to the ground and began kicking him harshly in the stomach. He finally stopped and pulled him off the Floor. Hoodie spat blood out as he smirked at Jeff "is that all you got Jackass?". Jeff growled and punched him in the throat sending Hoodie flying across the room and hitting the wall. Ben was screaming at Jeff to stop and let him explain but he was completely oblivious to all sounds. Hoodie stood up and ran at Jeff, who dodged Hoodies punch and kicked him in the shin causing him to fall over. Jeff placed one knee on his rib cage and began to push all his weight on him. Hoodie gasped for air but Jeff was keeping it all out. He heard something crack and stood up pulling Hoodie with him by the neck. Jeff held him off the ground for a few moments so he started choking. Ben thought Jeff was going to kill hoodie, but yet again, do did Jeff. Hoodie kicked out landing his foot right in Jeff's stomach, causing Jeff to drop him and cry out in pain. Hoodie grinned and punched Jeff hard, breaking his nose making blood cover the place he was standing. Jeff finally had enough. He grabbed his knife and walked towards Hoodie. Hoodies eyes became wide at the sight of Jeff's knife and he started backing away. "JEFF!!! What's that going to do!? We can't die stupid!!! What Will you do!? Bury him six feat in the ground so he cant escape!?" Ben screamed. Jeff ignored him and continued to advance. Hoodie tripped and fell backwards onto the floor. Jeff raised his knife and brought it down. Ben thought "OH FUCK IT!!!" And jumped in front of Hoodie causing Jeff to stab him in the shoulder. "BEN!!!", Jeff screamed as his knife sank deep into Bens shoulder, "Ben, you idiot why did you do that!!?". His anger had disappeared and he was now only worried. "Agh!! I did it because I need to explain what you saw!" He said as he stared at Jeff's knife sticking out of his shoulder. Hoodie was sitting behind Ben shuddering and staring at Bens now dripping and blood soaked shoulder. "But he would have been fine!! You could have explained after I had killed him for a while!!" Jeff shrieked with wide, surprised eyes. "Yes the fucker does deserve to be stabbed and killed but we can't because slendy and everyone else will want to know why he will be missing while he's coming back to life!!" Ben replied feeling woozy. Hoodie didn't want to be there anymore and ran out holding his chest where Jeff broke the rib. Jeff made an angry growling noise and looked back at Ben his anger fading quickly again. "we have to get that knife out if you!!" He said in a concerned tone. "No shit Sherlock!!" Ben snapped back.A few minutes later The two had made they're way down to the kitchen where Jeff grabbed a cloth and wrapped it around what he could see of the knifes blade, which wasn't very much. "You know this is going to hurt like a bitch right?" Jeff asked holding the cloth down with one hand and gripping the knifes handle with the other. "No, I think it's going to feel like I'm getting fucked by a unicorn. OF COURSE I KNOW IT'S GOING TO HURT!!!!" Ben shrieked angrily. "Okay, okay....", Jeff said calmly, "on the count of One. Five... Four....". Ben took a deep breath and waited for three. Suddenly Jeff yanked the knife out of bens shoulder sending beads of blood flying and splattering the wall. Ben screamed and grabbed at his shoulder, clawing at Jeff's hand which was holding the cloth over the wound to stop the blood in the process "YOU BASTARD!!! YOU SAID ON THE COUNT OF ONE!!! YOU LIED TO ME!!!!". "I only lied because its worse when you know the exact time that the pain is going to come!!!" Jeff explained hurriedly. "FUCK YOU!!!!!" Ben cried as the pain seeped out through his eyes in the form of tears. Jeff noticed that the cloth had become quickly completely soaked with bens blood "just let me get another cloth...". Jeff came back holding a rag and a medical kit. "Where the fuck did you get a medical kit?..." Ben asked in a groggy tone. "I have one in my room... I tend to get injured when I'm killing..." Jeff replied as he opened the kit, pulling out a bandage, a needle, and a thread. "That's just great... Now please tell me you have pain killers in there?..." Ben mumbled. "I'm not giving you pain killers" Jeff said in a tone that told Ben that he couldn't change his mind. "Why the fuck not?" Ben snapped angrily. "Because your not going to need them... You can't die and everything heals in a few days... You'll be fine" Jeff explained while threading the needle. "Oh fuck... Stitches...." Ben said going white in the face. "Yeah. Now hold still while I fix you..." Jeff told him while lifting the cloth away and looking at the hole in Bens shoulder. "This ought to be fun..." Ben said as Jeff began to sew him up. When Jeff had tied to knot on the end of the thread he grabbed the bandage and stuck it on bens shoulder. "Now can we talk about what happened?"Jeff said sitting down in a chair beside Ben. "Don't you mean fight?" Ben mumbled while staring down at the floor. "Of course I do!!", Jeff started yelling, "What the hell were you doing Ben!!! I come back and your making out with hoodie!!! What happened!?". Ben grimaced "It wasn't my idea!! We were playing video games and then when I was going to get ready for bed he just started acting weird!!!". Jeff scowled and stood up "oh yeah!! That explains everything!! Thanks for the clarification, Ben!! Everything is so clear now!!" Jeff yelled sarcastically. "Screw you, Jeff!! You haven't even heard all of it!!" Ben yelled back. "Oh, please!! Tell me the rest of the story then!!!" Jeff snapped. "I was trying to get Hoodie to stop acting weird but it wasn't working and he started to scare me witch caused me to panic!! Then hoodie stood up and hugged me. He told me to look up at him and I regret doing it because he kissed me!!", Ben paused to breathe for a second and then continued to yell at Jeff, "I told him to stop then he started using our deal as a factor!!! I didn't want to, Jeff!! I only did it because I knew he would tell everyone about us if I didn't!!". Jeff stared at Ben in surprise but his face clouded over with anger again "I have one question for you.... Did you enjoy it?..."

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