Princess Castle.

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((Welcome back readers!!! Sorry about the ending in Chapter 4. I got tired. by the way, The beginning of this chapter might not be that great i'm afraid. I don't think I'm a good enough writer to actaully describe someone getting a blow job... Yet. maybe in a while... I mean, I've never given anyone a blow job and I've never seen anyone give someone a blow job so i really don't know how to put that into my own words. my apologies.))

Jeff sat back ((Oh... I forgot to say...  Jeff did actually lose the towel at some point during that... sorry again)) huffing for air and grinning "How was that as a solution to your 'problem'?" Jeff asked still smiling. Ben pulled his boxers back on and chuckled slightly "Oh it was great! thanks for asking..." he replied with a wink. Jeff grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist again. "oh no problem. glad I could help..." he joked, standing up, walking over to his closet, grabbing a pair of boxers and sliding them on. Ben laughed and sat up "I guess this means I have to help you out in some way now, don't I?" Ben asked with a smile. "Oh it most certainly does... but I'll save that favour for later..." Jeff called from the bathroom as he brushed his teeth.

The next day Jeff was in the kitchen searching for a snack in the fridge when sally came up behind him a tugged of his hand "Jeff! Play Hide and Seak with me! please..." she said still holding onto jeffs hand. He knelt down and smiled at her "Okay, That sound fun but don't you want more then two people playing?" Jeff asked. "Hmmm... Yes! Lets go ask Ben!" she started to run away but jeff picked her up and put her on his shoulders. "Hold onto my hair", He said laughing, "I don't really want to drop you...". They found Ben lying on the living room floor watching TV upside down "Oh hey guys... whats up" he asked grinning. Jeff smiled and tilted his head a little "Well, Sally and I wanna play Hide And Seak but we need someone else to play... Want to join us?" he asked putting Sally down. "Hmmm... I don't know... I'm really comfy..." ben said stretching his arms. "Oh well in that case I'll just gonn have to change that..." Jeff placed his foot on Bens face and started moving it back and forth. "Agh!! Jeff!!", Ben spluttered, "What are you doing!! Stop!!". "Are you gonna play with us!!?? Huh, Are ya!! ARE YA!!" Jeff shouted. "Agh!! Yes!! Fine! FINE!!" Ben Laughed. "Jeff you can move your foot...", Sally said from the door, "While you were attacking Ben I went and asked Hoodie and he said he would play!!" she smiled. Jeff moved his foot and frowned "Uh, okay...". Hoodie had a smirk on his face that said he was gonna tell one of the two guys to do something "Yeah... I though if you guys were playing I might as well too..". Ben stood up and rolled his eyes "Whatever... Before we start I have something to say... NOT IT!!" he shouted and ran up the stairs. "NOT IT!!" Jeff called as he ran up the stairs after Ben. "AGH!! NOT IT!!" Hoodie screached scrambling away from sally and trampling Jeff on the stairs. Jeff ran into a storage closet and sighed "She's totally gonna find me... this is the easiest hiding place ever!!" he thought aloud. "Well now she's gonna find us both, Jackass..." Ben stepped out from behind some boxes with an unimpressed look on his face. "Fuck!! are you kidding me!!", Jeff whispered, "Hoodies gonna win now!! oh this is just great!!" Jeff said pouting like a little boy. "Oh calm down... it's not that bad..." Ben said smiling. "No it's terrible!..." Jeff mumbled. "Jeff... We're in a closet... Hiding... Together... See where I'm going with this??" Ben said grinning. Jeff stopped pouting and looked at Ben and then at the door and back at Ben "Ooh...". He turned the lock on the door and walked over to Ben grinning "your right... This isn't bad at all... In fact I think now is a good time for you to do me that favour we talked about...". Ben grabbed a fist full of jeffs shirt and pulled him down, planting a kiss on his lips "If you say so..." Ben mumbled through the kiss and smirked. Jeff slipped his hands down onto Bens waist and eased him closer. He pulled away and grinned "I want something different from last night though...". Ben tilted his head and smiled "And what would that be, huh jeff?". Jeff whispered something in his ear causing Ben to blush "O-Oh..." he stuttered. Jeff started to kiss Bens neck leaving a few hickeys again causing Ben to moan quietly. "J-Jeff... We're g-gonna be t-to l-loud... s-someones gonna h-hear us..." Ben stuttered though his moans. "so?..." jeff said between his kisses. "Do y-you really think I will b-be able to k-keep it d-down?... I m-mean you h-heard me last n-night..." he replied still stuttering. "I don't care... and of course I heard you. I'm surprised you can even talk today..." Jeff said smirking. He started to pull Bens shirt off when Hoodie yelled from the back of the closet "OH MY GOD STOP!!! Don't even think about fucking each other while I'm here!!". Ben and Jeff pulled apart blushing. "What the hell man? We were literally making out for like five minutes before you started shouting! What were you doing for those five minutes you sick pervert?" Jeff asked angrily, his blush fading away quikly. "I'm the pervert?! I'm not the one fucking my best friend!!" Hoodie snapped back. Suddenly They heard sally call from the hall and saw the closet door hadle rattle "You guys can't lock the door! It's not fair! I found you guys though so come out!". Jeff unlocked the door and let it swing open revealing the three guys. "Sorry,Sally.... We won't lock the doors next time. Do you wanna play again?" Jeff asked smiling. "No. i don't. What I wanna do is play princess castle" Sally remarked crossing her arms with a frown of her face. "Play what?" Ben asked. "Princess castle! It's when I'm the princess, Jeffs my strong knight in shining armour, Bens my sevant, and Hoodie is the mean dragon that Jeff has to kill." Sally explained still frowning. "What did you play when you were a little girl, Ben?" Sally asked seriously. Jeff began to laugh uncontrollably "Shut it or I'll stick a bread roll in your mouth..." Ben remarked frowning. "sally... Do you think I'm a girl?" Ben asked calmly but still frowning. "Uh.... Yeah, I do. You have girl hair. It's to sorft and shiny. And you always smell amazing." Sally said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "SEE!! SEE!! You smell freakishly amazing ALL THE TIME!!  It's weird.... maybe you are a girl..." Jeff said still laughing. "Shut it Jeff. Sally, I'm not a girl... I'm a boy. I just have really nice hair and... What am I saying?! the point is I AM NOT A GIRL!!" Ben yelled. "You keep telling yourself that, Ben" Sally said patting Ben's hand. "On another note.. Why do I have to be the mean dragon?!" Hoodie complained. "Because i don't like dragons and I don't really like you..." Sally replied with a straight face. "What!? you asked me to play! Why don't you like me!?" Hoodie asked surprised. "Your an ass..." sally remarked. "Well thats true" Jeff and Ben said at the same time. "Now stop asking me questions!! I wanna play!! Lets go!!" Sally called and grabbed jeffs hand and ran down the hall.

A few minutes later They were all in Sally's room getting ready to play the game. "I don't have any armour... hmmm...", Jeff said frowning, "I'll be right back..." He ran out of the room and a few minutes later returned with a frying pan on his head and his knife in his hand. "What are ya doin' there jeff?" Ben asked laughing. "I... I am being fantastic!!" jeff shouted. "Okay...", Hoodie said, "Sally, how am I supposed to act like a dragon?". "Ugh, your dumb questions never end do they?", sally sighed, "Read a story book. How to act like a dragon is basic kindergarden knowladge...". Ben stood there awkardly "And what am I supposed to do?..." he asked quietly. "You just stand there looking pretty and smelling great..." Sally said. "OKAY!!! Eveyone shut the hell up and start playing!!". Jeff sighed and started to shout "Oh look, a castle! I'll just go inside and see if theres anything to casually murder in there..." Jeff pretended to walk into a castle. "Rawr.... I'm a scary dragon... nobody dares to fight me..."  Hoodie said without enthusiasm. "Oh really? Then what am I doing right now?" jeff said before kicking Hoodie in the shin and causing him to fall over. "Yay! I win... now I'll save sally... I mean The princess..." Jeff walked over to sally and picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the door. "The end..." Jeff said yawning. "yay! Okay now everyone get out of my room. I have a tea party planned with my toys..." sally said happily.

When Jeff and Ben got back downstairs they both sighed as they saw what time it was. "Damn it... a whole day wasted..." Jeff complained. "yeah, I know..." Ben replied. "Jeffrey? What do you have on your head?" Slendy said from behind them making them jump. "Holycrap Slendy! Don't do that! It's not fair when you use your weird stalking skills on us!" Jeff said surprised. "I didn't... I walked out of my office and you two happened to be here. Now, I'm gonna ask again, What do you have on your head?" Slendy said calmly. "Uhh... I have one of your frying pans on my head... we we're playing Princess castle with sally and hoodie... I was the knight" jeff mumbled. Slendy nodded and took the frying pan "Okay... That doesn't change that fact that I'm going to hit you with the frying pan because you were wearing it..." Slendy remarked. "Oh... well then I'll just..." Jeff didn't finish what he was saying and ran away, pulling ben along with him.

((I need some Ideas on what to do in the next chapter. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great! and please feel free to tell me what you think of my story so far.))

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