Hearts connect

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(Jeff and ben finally do something in this chapter!! don't worry!!)

"Ugh... You had to call me a sick pervert...", Jeff said while rubbing the spot on his head where slendy had hit him across the head with a frying pan, "You take every chance you can to point that out..." He joked. "It's not my fault! It's not like I knew Sally was gonna be there at that exact moment!" Ben frowned and flopped down onto jeffs bedroom floor. "Are you being a little brat about slendy bashing your head in with the frying pan?" Jeff made a pouty face and grinned at Ben. "Oh shut up, Jeff..." Ben put an arm over his eyes and casually layed on the floor. Jeff walked over to him and sat directly on his stomach. Ben made a noise resembling an angry cat "Get. Off. Now." he ordered. "Uhhhhhhhh no. Your a comfy chair and you deserve to be sat on" Jeff wiggled around making ben grunt. "Jeff, Your... crushing me... please... get off..." He breathed. "Oh... I'm sorry about that... I'll just move then" he turned over so he was hovering over Ben on his hands and knees. "Am I still crushing you?'' Jeff chuckled and smirked down at Ben. "J-Jeff...", Ben stuttered and began to blush a bright red, "Jeff... I... I uhhh... What are y-you doing?...". "Oh noting...", Jeff snickered and grinned at Ben, "I'm just making you blush. It's adorable when you blush you know. You go all pink..." He laughed, still grinning. "Oh shut up you jackass!! get off me or I'll kick you in the-" Ben was cut off by the sound of Jeff bedroom door opening. "What are you doing to ben, Jeff? Are you guys wrestling?" Sally stood in the doorway starting at the two. "Or are you guys gonna have-" Jeff shot up, ran over to sally, and clamped his hand down onto her mouth. "NO, No we are not, Sally. How do you know that word and why didn't you knock when you came into my room like I asked?" He looked at sally seriously a faint blush on his face and moved his hand so the girl could talk. "Well It looked like you were going to do that and I know that word because slendy has weird books hidden in his office with pictures of ladies and the word is everywhere on the pages. I didn't knock because I didn't want to... Is that all your questions?" Sally smiled up at Jeff happily. "Slendy has what in his office?", Jeffs face lit up and he smiled back at Sally like she had just given him a huge check, "Oh my god... This is better than halloween and chirstmas put together!! oh and by the way... I was trying to make  ben uncomfortable... We were not going to do... That..." He looked back at Ben, who was now sitting up right on the floor. "I can't believe slendy has that in his office...", Jeff giggled, "Thank you so much Sally!!" he picked her up and hugged her tightly, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Jeff... What are you doing?" Sally asked. He laughed and set her down "I was just showing you how happy I am!!" Jeff giggled like a little boy and ran out of the room. "Well don't 'cause it's weird when you do that!!" Sally Called after Jeff.

Later that night at dinner, everone was seated at the table eating they're food when sally said "Today I was walking around the empty part of the house when I ran into jeff and Ben in one of the hall ways. Jeff didn't have a shirt on and he was holding bens face close to his. It looked really funny... I thought they were about to kiss or something!! And then later, after slendy hit them, I went into Jeffs room and Jeff was on his hands and knees on top of Ben!! It looked weird but Jeff said he was just trying to make Ben uncomfortable..." Sally laughed and smiled, but everyone else stopped eating and began to choke on they're food. Jane leaned her head back began to laugh loudly. Jeff reached over the table and but a bread roll in her mouth to shut her up. "Thanks bro... It's food on the go..." Jane mumbled sarcastically through the roll and started to munch on it. Hoodie was laughing so hard that all he was doing was making heaving noises and snorting. Masky said "Oh, Jeff your finally coming out are you? You can tell us... This is a safe environment..." and started to laugh. Everyone at the whole table was howling with laughter except Jeff, Ben, and Slendy. Jeff glanced around the table at everyone and grabbed the basket of bread rolls. He said "Ben... follow my lead...". The two started pelting everyone with the rolls and shouting "SLENDY HAS PORN IN HIS OFFICE!! ASK SALLY!! SHE TOLD US!! PORN, SLENDY HAS PORN!!". Slendy looked over at The two at the exact moment that Ben threw a bread roll at Masky and missed, hitting Slendy square in the place where his nose should be. Everyone stopped and looked at slendy, waiting for the yealling to start. He looked down at the bread rolls, stood up, and walked out calmly with his hands behind his back to his office. "I bet he's going to read his 'books'..." Jeff giggled in a hushed tone. Everyone at the table started giggling and snickering to eachother. Suddenly slendy's office door opened and Two tenticles shot out, wrapping around Jeff and Ben. "Oh god we're fucked..." Ben said scowling at everyone at the table as they floated through the air and were pulled into the office. 

Slendy sat them down in chairs in front of his huge desk and 'stared' at the two. "You two need to figure some things out... I know your bestfriends and all but you can't get that close without something real happening. What I'm trying to say is This. Can't. Happen. I know you think your joking around right now but in the future... Just stop joking about stuff like that and nothing will happen. We can't have something like this going on here... We're a family, not a dating website...". Slendy leaned back in his chair and continued to 'stare' at them. "Now go and do whatever you do and Jeff... get me Sally. I need to have a word with her..." Slendy opened the door with a tenticle and 'watched' the two walk out.

When they got up to Jeffs room and shut the door they both started howling with laughter "He was so calm!! I thought he'd scream at us for telling everyone that he has porn hidden somewhere!!" Ben giggled. "I know!! he didn't even say a word about it!! He thinks we're gay!! Oh my god I can't even believe this!!" Jeff was rolling around on the bed laughing and clutching at his stomach. "I wonder what he's gonna say to Sally..." ben said when they both had finally calmed down. "Probably something like "Don't go in my office without my permission young lady. Try not to spend to much time with Jeff and Ben... Ignore those books" he's so ridiculous!!" jeff imitated Slendy with a stern voice and walked arounf with his hands on his hips. "Thats totally what he would say!!" Ben laughed.

Later in the night Jeff heard Ben screaming and ran to his bedroom, holding his knife just incase someone was hurting him. He burst into the room and saw that no one was there except Ben, who was sitting on his bed hunched over. "Ben are you okay!!?" Jeff asked running over to him. "Y-yeah... I j-just had a really h-horrible dream... Thats a-all..." Ben said running his hands through his hair. "What happened in the dream?..." Jeff asked and sat down on the bed with Ben. "I was a normal human and I was sleeping one night.... Then I heard a noise and I sat up and looked around. Then I saw you come through the window and I started to scream and you killed me..." He explained sadly. "well it wasn't real and your not a normal human, Ben... Your better. Your... Perfect" Jeff looked at Ben and then down at his hands. "I know I'm not a normal human... I'm not really human at all, but I'm not perfect, Jeff... I'm not like you..." Ben looked at him and smiled. "No.. I'm not..." Jeff got up and walked over to the door. "What are you doing?.." Ben said looking hurt. "Nothing... I'm just locking the door so I can do this..." Jeff turned the lock, walked back over to Ben, leaned down to him, and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Ben kissed back and grabbed a fistfull of jeffs shirt, pulling jeff onto the bed with him. The two pulled away for air and smiled at eachother, both of them huffing with every breath. Jeff started to chuckle and smile happily at Ben "Slendy was right... We are gay..." Jeff giggled. "Yep... I thought he was just being a jack ass but no... He was totally right..." Ben Agreed and started to laugh too. Jeff wrapped his arms around Ben and pulled him closer and burying his face into Bens hair "You smell good... why do you smeel so good?" Jeff chuckled. "because I actually Take showers, Jackass..." Ben mumbled happily, snuggling closer Jeffs chest. They both soon fell asleep for the rest of the night.

(Sorry for the crappy ending. I'm just so excited to publish this!!!)

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