Watch your mouth... jackass

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(OKay so this chapter might be Hella boring. I'm sorry but I have to work to get this story on to it's feet. I promise I'll do better but right now this is the best I can do to start with. Thank you for reading Though!)

"JEFF!!!!!" Ben stormed into Jeffs room angrily. "JEFF!! Where's my Hat!!??" He yelled. "What hat? oh, you mean this thingy? I thought this was a towel. Oops..." Jeff smirked playfuly and continued to dry his hair with the hat. "Jeff stop!! Give it back!!" Ben stormed up to him and tried to snatch it but Jeff pulled the hat away from Ben and chuckled. He held it above his head and leaned down to Ben "And tell me why I should do that huh, Ben?" he teased. "Because it's mine and I want the Damn thing Back!!" Ben punched Jeff in the gut and grabbed the hat while he was doubled over. Jeff let out an oof sound and clutched at his stomach "What the hell Dude!! I was only joking..." he pouted. "Screw you Jeff..." Ben said putting on his hat and walked out of the room. "OH YOU'D LIKE THAT WOULDN'T YOU!!!" Jeff joked loudly. Hoody stopped in the doorway and gave Jeff a stange look. "What? I'm being funny..." Jeff smiled wider and laughed. "NO, YOUR NOT" Ben called from the stairwell.

Later that evening Jeff was getting back from killing and walked in the front door to see Ben playing Mario cart with Sally.... and losing. "Good work Sally. Kick Bens ass for me would'ya?" He chuckled and began to climb the stairs to his bedroom. "Sure Jeff!! I'll Kick his ass so hard it'll hurt tomorrow!!" Sally shouted. Jeff stopped walking and his eye's widened "Ooh... I'm gonna regret teaching her that one..." He chuckled and run up the stairs two at a time. "SALLY!! Watch your mouth young lady!! JEFF!! STOP TEACHING SALLY THOSE WORDS!!!" Slender yelled from his office. "Oh calm down Slendy. Quit being such a fucking idiot..." Sally said casually. "SALLY!!!!" slendy screached. "okay I've had enough..." Jeff thought and shut his bedroom door. He pealed off his sweater to find the blood had soaked through to his shirt and sighed. He pulled the shirt off too and went over to his closet to find he was out of shirts. "Damn it! I'm out...". He tossed the sweater and the shirt into the laundrey bin and walked in to the hall. "Okay.... Now which way is the laundrey room?... Slendy was right. I need to do my own laundrey..." He looked down the hallway and shrugged. "Better start somewhere..." he said and turned left.

Half an hour later he still hadn't found the laundrey room. "ALL THESE GOD DAMN DOORS AND ROOMS AND HALLS ARE REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!" Jeff thought angrily. "Half of the rooms don't even have anything in them!!!!" He huffed and stormed around a corner. He smashed into Ben and stumbled backwards "UGH!! What the Hell man!? You poked me in the eye!! I cant see bro! I'm blind! OH MY GOD IM BLIND!!!" Ben screached. Jeff looked at him and grinned "your not blind Ben.. Calm down". He Grabbed a fist full of Bens hair and made Ben move his hands away from his face. "Your fine bro. Your eye's are just really watery right now... Your such a wimpy Jackass, Ben" Jeff chuckled and smiled at him. "Thats another one for the books..." sally said from behind them and walked away. "Ugh!! NO!! Sally!! Wait... I... Don't repeat those words!! Why are you in this part of the house!! Who's room is here anyways!?" Jeff looked around the corner to see sally wasn't there anymore. "ugh... crap" Jeff looked over at Ben who was wiping his eyes. "You okay now jackass?" he chuckled and smiled lightly. "Uhhh Jeff?..." Ben was staring at him with a strange look on his face. "What?..." Jeff asked. "Where the hell is your shirt?..." Ben looked at the ground awkwardly, a small blush on his face. "Oh right", Jeff laughed, "I'm looking for the laundrey room. I don't know where it is... Why are you blushing?" He stepped closer to Ben and placed his hand under his chin, tilting his head upwards to look at Jeff. "W-What are you doing?..." Ben's blush became a deeper shade of pink. "Oh nothing... Just being casual. What are You Doing?" Jeff smirked at Ben. "Ugh Stop..." He slapped Jeffs hand away from his face and shook his head. "Your weird Jeff... Really weird you sick pervert..." Ben laughed and grinned up at Jeff. "I'm learning new words every time I'm near you guys!! I have to go tell slendy what I learned!!" Sally giggled and ran away down the hall. "Oh No! SALLY!! NO DON"T!! He'll rip our heads off Sally!! SALLY!!" Ben yelled. "Fuck... We should catch her shouldn't we?..." jeff sighed. "Yep, we probably should if we want to live..." Ben said. Jeff laughed, smiled at Ben, and Grabbed his hat and ran down the hall yelling "Then lets find her!!!".

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