Nose And Mouth

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  Ben stared down at the floor in silence. "Fuck...." Jeff stood up and walked away into the living room. "Jeff Wait!!" Ben Stood up and grabbed Jeff's arm. Jeff Tugged it away and kept walking. "Jeff please!!" Ben pleaded, grabbing Jeff's arm again. "Ben...." Jeff said quietly and stopped walking. "I'm sorry. I really am. I love you. I feel nothing for Hoodie. I'm so fucking sorry. Please forgive me. I'll do anything for you to forgive me!!" Ben rambled not hearing him. "How 'bout you shut up...." Jeff replied. "W-what? Jeff, please. I'm so fucking sorry I-" Ben was cut off by Jeff when he suddenly grabbed Ben by the collar of his shirt and smashed they're lips together, locking them in a passionate kiss. After a while They finally broke apart. "Does this mean you forgive me?..." Ben said with a grin. Jeff chuckled and poked Ben's face "yeah, I guess so." he said with a smile.

1 week later

Jeff looked at Ben as they walked down the stairs together to go sit at the table for dinner. Ben looked up and noticed Jeff staring at him. "What?" He asked with a curious smile. "huh, oh....", Jeff looked down at the floor blushing and smiling like he'd just been caught doing something bad, "Nothing.... I was just looking at you. your too cute to not look at...". Ben began to blush. "oh shut up", He said laughing, "Your such a dork,Jackass". Ben punched Jeff in the arm causing Jeff to lose his balance and tumble down the stairs. When Jeff finally rolled to a stop at the bottom of the stairs Ben was laughing harder then he ever had before. "Y-your.... Such.... A..... L-LOSER!!!" Ben yelled through gasps of air. "agh...." Jeff groaned. "I don't think you understand that i'm actually in a lot of pain right now" he said not making an effort to stand up. "Aw poor baby", Ben said snickering and making a pouty face, "Do you need a kiss to make you feel better?". Jeff smiled and looked away from Ben "What are you? My mom?". "If that's what your into..." Ben said with a wink. "Oh god no" Jeff protested laughing. Right at that moment Slendy Reached two tentacles out and coiled them around the two. "GAH!!" they shouted simultaneously and Slendy pulled them into the dining room and plopped then into chairs beside each other. Everyone stared at Jeff awkwardly. "What the fuck are you guys all looking at?" Jeff asked annoyed. Sally pointed at Jeff with her fork "YOU HAVE A LOT OF BLOOD COMING OUT OF YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH" she yelled through the mashed potato's that she was currently chewing on. Ben looked over at Jeff and stifled a laugh "H-how the fuck did I not see that?...". He handed Jeff a napkin. Jeff took it and covered his face. "I'm going to go wash my face...." He mumbled as he walked away. Ben stood up and followed him.

When Jeff was all cleaned up he chuckled and said "I'm not hungry anymore... Wanna go upstairs and hang out?". Ben smirked "Are we just going to 'hang out' or are we going to do a little bit more" he said with a sexual tone. "ugh... stop it. your turning me on" Jeff said chuckling. "Good..." Ben replied with a smirk as he walked past Jeff, lightly brushing his fingers against Jeff's arm. Jeff followed Ben upstairs into Ben's Bedroom. Jeff shut the door behind him and locked it when he got into the room. Ben walked over to Jeff and grabbed a fistful of Jeff's shirt, Pulling him down to his height and planting a kiss on his lips. Jeff wrapped his arms around Ben's torso and picked him up causing Ben to wrap his legs around Jeff's waist and to place his hands on the back of Jeff's neck. Jeff nibbled Ben's bottom lip gently making Ben giggle and pull away. "Aw come on, Jeff, you know that makes me giggle when you do that" Ben protested smiling. "Yeah I know", Jeff said glancing down at Ben's lips and then back up to his eyes, "That's why I do it. It's cute when you giggle like that...". Ben rolled his eyes and began kissing Jeff again. They stayed like that for a while until Jeff walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Ben pulled away and made a pouty face "Aw poor baby, am I too heavy for you to carry?". "No, I just like where the bed might lead to if I go there..." Jeff said in a sexual voice and smirked. Ben pushed Jeff back making him lay on the bed and straddled his waist. "Well then...", Ben tugged off his own shirt and smirked at Jeff, "Is this a little closer to where your hoping it'll lead to?". Jeff placed a hand on the back of Ben's neck and pulled him down, smashing they're lips together, tangling them in a very heated kiss. Suddenly there was a small knock at the door "JEFF!! BEN!! SLENDY TOLD ME TO BRING SOME FOOD UP FOR YOU GUYS!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!". It was Sally. There was a distant shriek and a clatter from the kitchen. "SALLY!!!! DON'T SWEAR!!!" They could hear Slendy shout from downstairs. "FUCK OFF SLENDY!!!" Sally yelled again. There was a final crash signifying that Slendy had stormed into his office and slammed the door. "Well shit..." Ben said as he got up to open to door for sally.

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