I Know your secret

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It was Sunday and I had not seen Zachary or my mom since Friday but Elyssa defiantly made up for that . After about an hour of begging , poking, tasering , and jumping on my bed she finally convinced me to go shopping with her with the promise of getting Red Robins afterwards. The day before we spent it completely learning everything about one another like she loves singing and hates when people mix and match clothes . I made sure to dress nicely according to that . I walked over to my closet after a nice hot shower and looked in my closet . It was full of clothes that Lyss didn't want anymore some with tag still on them and I had to admit I loved her style . I picked out a gray spaghetti strap shirt with black jeggings and gray slip ons with a bow on the top . Elyssa popped her head in "ready "? She asked I couldn't help but compare her eyes to Zachary's they were breath taking "well how do you define ready "? I asked I was not really big on shopping oh who am I kidding I hate it . "Coomme on" she said as she dragged me out of the room by my arm . " By the way I love your outfit". I giggled "thanks " I said back . I looked around as we walked down the hall towards the stairs . I really hadn't explored this house yet but it was huge . But Elyssa had said she would take me on a tour later on today . We walked down the stairs and towards the door but on the way we passed the kitchen and my eyes met a pair identical to Elyssa's it was Zachary but I didn't have time to say hi or stare and try to figure out how that color was genetically possible because even though Lyss was small she was strong. We got to a outside mall called wiregrass and we walked into Aeropostale we both split up and looked for clothes . I was surprised by there selections there were actually cute it usually takes me a few hours before I find an actual outfit I like . But a see through blue shirt with white polka dots caught my eye these would look good with my white skinnies I walked around to find Lyss to tell her I found a cute shirt but when I couldn't find her I turned around and bumped directly into her "oh hey look what I found" we both said simultaneously I laughed but gasps when I saw what she had in her hand it was the exact same shirt I had in my hand we both started laughing and we walked to the register and bought each other the shirt . We then walked across the street to Red Robins and ordered our food it was so much fun we talked about everything that came to mind . When we finally made it back home I was so tired I crashed . Ugg I thought before I drifted of to sleep we have school tomorrow and Lyss said that she was leaving early for cheerleading tryout s and I would have to catch a ride with Zach . Greatt.

I woke up felling really groggy . I turned my head to the left and turned if my alarm on my phone and stumbled into my en suite after taking a shower with my coconut body was and washing my hair with my lemon shampoo (I'm addicted to the smell of both ) I got out and put on my clothes for the day a black best top with gold buttons down the center my black skinnies and my black heels with a gold claps . I put my hair into a high piny tail . I looked into the mirror not bad i thought to myself . I grabbed my bag off my bed and my phone from if the nightstand and went downstairs . I walked into the kitchen and saw Zachary I had prepared myself for this all night 'just act normal ' I told myself . "Good morning " i said. I did not miss the movement of his eyes up and down my body . Felling self conscience I walked towards the fridge so that I could stare at something other than his eyes I grabbed the orange juice and poured myself a cup . He was being oddly quiet when I finished drinking I turned around to find him staring at me " Ready to go "? I asked his face remained blank "hello..? Zachary .... Zachyy .....Zachster ? " I tried weird names hoping that would bring him back it worked . "Huh ? ...... Wha?...... Oh yeah let's go " he seemed a bit flustered but I followed him anyway . We walked towards his garage and we got into his green Porsche this car was my favorite out of his eight cars . "Soo... " I said trying to strike a conversation " can I ask you a question ? " I timidly asked as we pulled out of the garage and into the driveway "shoot" he said "is .... Is everyone at our school a .....uh you know wolf? " I asked . He looked over at me with an amused face . "If I said yes would you be afraid "? I scoffed " No because from what I understand about this mate thing if anybody even tries to hurt me you'll kill them so no I'm just curious and me being whatever I am weither I'm human with no wolf or human with a hidden wolf I have an advantage to play a LOT of jokes, and they can't hurt me". He laughed "We'll than to answer your question yes and since your mom and dad are werewolfs that means your a wolf by blood . But just a heads up for whenever you play a joke it is illegal to tell a human unless you have good reason so make them suffer . " he chuckled and I laughed "ok then " I said . It was then that I noticed that we were sitting in the parking lot to the school . "Thanks for the ride Zachy " I said " Please don't call me that " his eyes widened as I said " Alright Zachy " he looked slightly embarrassed . "Wait " he said as I was getting out of the car he grabbed my arm " Please sit with me at lunch ?" He asked " I have people to introduce you to " I smiled " I wasn't planning on sitting anywhere else . "

I got out of the car and walked towards the school . I noticed the people looking at me as I walked away from his car but I didn't care . As I was walking to my locker I saw something sticking out of it and as I got closer I noticed it was a red rose with a paper on it that said ' your eyes your laugh your brains your smile help me get threw the day ever since last week when I first saw you I can't get you out of my head

Secret lover '

At that moment Lyss popped up next to me " Oh my gosh 7 laps 50 push ups and 40 froggy jumps and they expect us to pay attention in school this is so messed u.... Omg you have a secret admirer that's so sweet . " she gushed "I guess " I said with not even half the enthusiasm she showed " you guess ? You guess " she poked me in the ribs twice "you can't just guess this is awesome and romantic oh no I need to get away from you your weird antilove addiction thingy is rubbing off on me see ya at lunch " she yelled more like screeched as she ran down the hallway to catch up with some freinds . Dang that girl was loud. Just the way I like my friends . I laughed and shook my head she was crazy .

Lunch came around quicker than I expected it to and I had already came up with my prank for the people that Zach wanted me to meet depending on there personalities I would decide if they were ready or not . I walked into the cafeteria towards Zach's table I saw Lyss there with five other girls and Zach there with three other guys . When he saw me his eyes lit up " Guys this is Chasmine , Chasmine this is Tony " he pointed to a tall black guy with light brown eyes and brown hair " he is the joker of the group " he continued " this is Chad " he pointed to a muscular guy with a chain tattoo going from his wrist to his biceps with blond hair in the bieber flip style and blue eyes the typical chick magnet "he gets all the girls and last and defiantly least is Marcus " he said with a chuckle . Marcus was tan and looked to be Dominican with light brown hair and hazel eyes . " I would say its nice to meet you but I really don't like people so ill just say was up " I replied to all of them they all started laughing Tony started talking first "I like you , you speak your mind and your not afraid awesome ." I smiled they were definantly the bunch to try the joke on "so guys I am really good at understanding people just by first meetings so I'm just going to tell you off the bat I know you secret . There eyes all widened slightly in confusion untill like a dominos effect chads eyes got bigger as looked at tony , then tony looked at chad then back at me then Marcus looked at chad then tony then me and finally his eyes widened bigger . Oh this was going so well I looked around to see Elyssa and Zach trying to hold in there laughter . They all immediately turned around and started whispering and I caught little fragments "she's a human right ?" They. turned around "your human right " Chad asked I knew this would happen "nope I'm a vampire ". They turned back around "it's illegal" "she's human she can't know" "just play it cool " they all turned around at once and crossed there arms trying to act relaxed even though I could see there were nerves . "We don't know what your talking about Tony said " Hey lower your voice you know we have goid hearing we don't want this getting out " Marcus said then his eyes bulged he stood up and ran out saying "I've said to much already " I giggled " guys guys calm down tony with your strawberry milk obsession and chad with your tattoo obsession together we can find a cure " the looked at each other then Tony said " it was supposed to be a secret " "Aww man how did you find out " Chad said faking sadness . Time to reel um in " and guys I take it back I'm not a vampire " I paused for effect "I'm a werewolf " .

Im only human....for now (under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now