You owe me 50 bucks

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You owe me 50 bucks

Chaz pov

It was as we were walking back home that I realized how late it was . The events of the day played threw my head like a Movie . After Zach had saw me turn upside down he copied my movements

" oh she's a smart one " he said slyly " what a champion " he said sarcastically .

I laughed " we'll see who the champ is" I said .

As we later upside down u couldn't help but admire his amazing features . Since I had been upside down longer than him all the blood had rushed to my head I could feel a headache coming on.

"Ok you win " I said finally giving up I flipped down and held my head steady to stop the room from spinning .

" Ah ha who's the champ now? " Zachary asked still hanging upside down .

I walked over to the front of him my shoes making a crunching sound as I walked over old brown mulch . I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed as hard as I could making him swing backwards when he came forward he placed his hand on either sides of my face and kissed me . It was only a peck but it had my whole body tingling from my lips to my toes .

"Come say it Chasmin whose the winner"? He continued to asked with a smirk on his face .

"Wellll ..... Considering you just got to kiss me I'd say it was you ". I replied . On the out side I was keeping my cool but on the inside I was doing my snoopy dance singing ' chas and Zachary sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g ' . I heard him chuckle "we'll will you do me the honors of letting you kiss you everyday ? " he said . I pretended to think about it "well ..but having a boyfriend is so much work " . He laughed as he got down from the bars and walked in front of me as I now sat on the swings. "Please "? He begged "ok fine " I said giving up "but I'd rather date two year old Zachary " I said with a shrug " I mean your mom showed me your baby pics and you were so cute , I wonder what happened . I also saw Lyss she was a gorgeous baby she's gorgeous now . Hmm must be you " . Once again i was calm but inside my snoopy dance continued 'first comes love tHen comes marriage .' I was trying to hold in my laughter as i saw him stare at me . Than he started tickling me

"o...oh ......please stop ok ok ok your hot .. Now please ... Stop . " he stopped and stared at me . As he helped me up off the floor "come in let's go bowling " . He said with a smile

We spunt hours at the alley just talking laughing bowling and eating junk . Fries , wings, pizza , and nachos at least one of those at all times was on our table with a pitcher of sprit .

And now we were walking home after an amazing day and I couldn't ignore how fat I felt as I thought to my self 'oh no ' I panicked . 'I'm fat, I'm a hippo a walrus , a fat cat sitting and a mat , ha that rhymes maybe I can jogg tomorrow , yeah that's it and ill drag Elyssa along to we can wake up at 5 jog to the beach at 6 and watch the sun rise at 7 . Yup yup that's a plan oh who am I kidding I'm not a morning person and I've seen Elyssa in the morning and its like Godzilla and world war 3 mixed together . Yeah no ill just get fat who cares? '.

" Zazzy ? What are you thinking about ?" Zachary asked me sounding genuinely concerned " I heard you mumbling to yourself " he stated

" we'll dont judge me. It's a rule you can't judge a person that talks to themselves unless they answer themselves . Did I do that ? " I asked him .

He looked amused "uh yeah you did ". He said matter a factly

"oh well in that case you have a free judge your girlfreind pass it expires at twelve tonight . ". I said

" It is 12:04 " he said "oh well than your out of luck " .

We both looked at each other than burst out laughing . As we continued to walk up the driveway we lowered our voices as we noticed the house was quiet . We tiptoed over to the stairs and were about to take a step when the light from the living room flicked on .

" what were you doing out so late ?" elyssa

demanded she looked so serious sitting there with her red velvet robe on and Marcus sitting quietly next to her both looking equally intimidating .

"Uh" I stuttered I was kind've scared .

Marcus glanced at the clock " It is 12:05 in the morning way past your curfew young man and lady we are very disappointed in you "

. Zachary let go of my hand and stepped forward I couldn't help but notice how cold I felt without him .

"First of all Marcus you have your own house get out . Second I don't have a curfew I can stay out all night with my girlfreind if I want to ".

He stated I got a tingly feeling when he looked back at me and winked. I saw both of the teenagers eyes widen

. "YOU OWE ME A HUNDRED BUCKS IN YO FACE " Lyss screamed as she jumped out if the chair she was sitting in and jumped on top. She started doing a victory dance untill she fell off the chair and onto the floor with a bang .What they made a bet on our relationship?

"You made a bet on our relationship ? " I said . Lyss smiled sheepishly "sorry " she said . I looked between all my freinds as Marcus pouted , Zachary grinned , and Lyss smiled sheepishly . I laughed at first a little chuckle untill it was a full blown out me rolling on the floor at first they looked at like I was weird but than ended up joining me in my laugh attack .

Wow life at the moment was good

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