The Minney mouse Mickey logic

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The Minney mouse Mickey logic

Chaz pov

All I could do was laugh so that's exactly what I did .

"Haaahahhhahahhahhhahhahhahahhhshahah. Oh my gosh wooh " I said wiping under my right eye " you crack me up. "

I looked up at him and smiled innocently as he looked down at me with a face that expressed an are you done look.

"You know the day I ... ya know 'toke over ' your pack from your father that wasn't originally my plan for the day I was actually at the store buying I remember if like it was yesterday I was buying peaches brown sugar and butter a lot of butter . I was planning on making a peach cobbler . "

My hands had been out for a while now and I clasped them in my lap and got comfy cause it looked like story time again . Although I believed he was my biological father I was more than certain that he wasn't my real father . My real father was in heaven looking over me right now . A real father is loving caring and kind and although I'm sure under his obsessive crazy issues he seemed nice I could tell he lacked greatly in those qualities . It seemed weird imagining him doing something as simple as buying groceries but I have an amazing imagination .

"I was in the fruit area trying to decide if I should go with the canned peaches or fresh when I saw her she was pushing a full shopping cart with a healthy baby girl in it and a man standing next to her . She was laughing at something the man said and then she said it . The words that completely altered my already insane perception of life . She told the guy she loved him . " he looked so crushed I had to feel bad for him even though he sorta kinda deserved it but just cause I was having sympathy that didn't mean I was forgiving the loon .

"She said she freakin loved him how could she go on living with another man raising a child having a family when I was having dreams about her every night and I was thinking about her everyday . " I decided to but in now .

"Do you have a television or laptop I could use ? " I asked politely

He looked at me as if he had forgot I was even here . He scrunched his eyebrows .

"Ummm yeah follow me " . I got up and grabbed my heels I guess he grabbed those when u was taken hmm I wonder if they've noticed yet . Probably Zach's probably going crazy but . Elyssa and Mitri might be to caught up to notice . He led me out of what looked like as I got outside a guest house . Who the heck uses there guest house as a holding pen . Yup defiantly not stable shoot I would have left him too.

I toke in all my surroundings as we entered the house threw the sliding glass doors in the kitchen it was simple with one couch in the living room in front of the t.v. to the left was a kitchen and then stairs led to the rest of the house by the stairs was a door I was guessing it led to the outside .

I walked over to the couch and turned on the t.v. I noticed Aiden watching me with weary eyes but I paid him no mind I pressed guide and scrolled threw the options until I found Disney junior yup yup here we go . I glanced at the clock 1:58 omg omg OMG my shows about to start .

"Ok look this show is basically a life guide I will explain everything to you but you need to be quiet when the show is on . It's about to start nod if you understand . " I said giving him the run down on all this He nodded his head his eyebrows scrunched with confusion .

The show started and I instantly smiled Mickey Mouse club house was THE best show ever .

"Ok so look at that Mickey no mouse looks at another mouse like that without something going on . they are obviously in love . " I said staring at the t.v.

"How in the world is a t.v. show -"

I cut him off with a hard glare.

"One don't talk while the show is on . Two don't ever question the Minney mouse Mickey logic it's magic . Now I want you to stare at the t.v. and count how many times you see Mickey look at Minney don't take your eyes off the screen . " I looked at h sternly and felt like a mother as I saw h look at the t.v. rarely blinking just staring at the screen .

"Where's the bathroom ? " I asked and he just pointed in a general direction keeping his eyes on the screen . I ignored his finger and walked into the kitchen I saw a pen and notepad lay on the table and I quickly wrote out a note then slipped out of the door.


If you didn't look at your mate that many times than you didn't deserve her and you need to realize that .


And that my friend was the Minney mouse Mickey logic I mean come on that show can teach anything . It could teach a baby to crawl a mute to speak a tyrant to love .

Oh crap it can't teach me how to get home oh well I still love the show .


Sorry it's kind've boring but i needed it I finally know where I'm going with this book so vote comment fan if you like the book !

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