Im only human

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So I'm new to this I have written one other book it's a short story called if you only knew this is my first werewolf story so bare with me and I HATE absolutely HATE when I read a really good book And the author doesn't update so I will try to update every day key word TRY so I hope you in joy


Chasmin's pov

Get your boxes and set up your room honey my mother told me as i mumbled under my breath I did not under stand why we had to keep moving around me being 18 this would have been the 15th time we've moved in my whole life but mom had said that we were going to stay this time. I sure hoped so

"Chaz off to go talk to the mayor I might be awhile don't wait up" my mom yelled from down stairs "

great I get to spend my first night in a big house in an unknown neighbor hood all by myself" I muttered sarcastically

"what was that "? She yelled from downstairs she was

All the way downstairs I never understood how she could hear so well

" take your time love you " I said and with that she was out of the house I got ready for bed tomorrow was school Greeeaaat . Note the sarcasm

Maria's pov (Chaz mom)

"Please alpha I know we are rouges but we mean absolutely no harm my daughter doesn't even know about the werewolf race she is a werewolf but she can't shift because of what happened to her father it sent her wolf into shock ".

"Really that's different tell me what happened ". The alpha said "it's a tragedy really but if it helps us get into the pack il tell you . It all started one rainy morning".

Chasmin pov

No please don't kill him my daddy nooo. I screamed and woke up from the nightmare that haunted me every night. I got out of bed and got dressed what a great way to start of my first day of school at Vincent high I put on ?my purple and black stripped shirt black skinney jeans my black boots and a purple beanie I let my hair fall in its natural waves I grabbed my light blue Jansport backpack yelled a quick good bye to mom and I was out . The walk to school was quick we lived 2 blocks away from school I entered the main hallway and the sound of loud teenagers filled my ears and I went to what looked like the front office and I asked for my schedule and it looked like my first class was geometry great . Note the sarcasm I absolutely hate geometry it took me awhile but by the time I found the room the bell had rung and the halls were empty I walked into the class as the teacher was giving a lecture about being tardy great I thought.

"Oh hi you must be the new student " she said

I was surprised at how quick her emotions changed

"I'm mrs. Welch you can take a seat next to Zachary . Zachary please raise your hand "

. I turned towards the class and I saw a boy with the most beautiful eyes raise his hand oh my gosh here I go I hope I hope I don't make a fool out of myself I was walking towards the new seat when before I could stop someone foot slid out into the isle oh no I'm going down .

Zachary pov

As soon as she walked in i sat up a little more in my chair 'mate' my wolf screamed but I could tell by her scent she was human how is that possible this whole town is made of weres that's probably the meeting my dad was talking about this morning the teacher called my name and I raised my hand yes she was going to sit next to me I was watching her wAlk when my wolf said 'save her ' mathew hated humans I jumped out of seat to catch her before she fell she landed in my arms everyone held there breath as the waited in anticipation for her to fall but It never happened

Im only human....for now (under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now