Chapter 3

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Done :) thanks for reading guys, it honestly means a lot to me :)

Happy reading!

-Chrisy x


Chapter 3






A few weeks have passed since the argument with my father and he hasn't made any attempt to talk to me. Not that I cared, I could go years without talking to him and feel absolutely content. My mother, on the other hand, has made numerous attempts to talk to me but I've brushed her off every time. I know I shouldn't be so mad at her, she's just as afraid of my dad as me, but I'm her daughter. Aren't mothers suppose have this mother instinct to protect their kids?

"Becca!" I heard Ryan call from his office.

I ran to the back of the shop and into his office.

"Sorry, I must've dozed off. What do you need?"

"I'm closing the shop early today, I need to go pick up some things from school and what not."

I frowned it was only 12, I didn't want to go home.

"Can I just, you know stay here?" I asked hopefully.

He thought about it for a moment then finally said "No. Go have some fun, you're always working"

" I have no friends, besides you. Working here is fun." I said frowning.

Did he not get that everyone at school either teases me or ignores me? I mean does he think I have some friends stashed under my bed or something?

He laughed.

"Aiden is your friend, call him up and hang out." He said shrugging.

What? Is this guy on crack? Call Aiden? Me? No. What if he says yes then blows me off or worse what if he laughs at me? I mean Aiden doesn't seem like the type of person to do that but I mean you never really know someone.

" Ummm I don't think that's a good idea. What if he turns down my offer?"

"Well then his loss." He started to scribble a number down on a piece of paper.

"That's his number. Call him, talk, invite him to hang out, and have fun." He said smiling.

Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in the park holding Aiden's number, debating whether or not I should call him. How bad could it go right? I mean Aiden isn't mean, if he doesn't want to hang out I'll just go catch a movie or something. With all the courage I could muster I dialed his number.

Two rings later he answered.


Crap. I didn't actually expect him to call. I was hoping Ryan had given me the wrong number and I'll reach a pizza store instead. I could really go for a pizza.

"Ummm h-hey Aiden"

Smooth Rebecca. Smooth.

"Becca? How did you get my number?" he asked surprised.

"Ryan gave it to me." I said a little more confidently.

"Awww you went through a lot of trouble getting my number? How touching." he said sarcastically. I could picture him touching his chest and mocking me.

"Hardy har har, Ryan gave it to me, without me asking for it, for your information." I said back. I don't really know where all that sass came from but Aiden brings it out I guess.

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