Chapter 4

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Done :) this is dedicated to that lovely girl up there ^^ you probably know her story Anyone BUT Him, but if you don't go read it! It's fab :)

-Chrisy x


Chapter 4






--Rebecca's POV--

We drove for what seemed like forever, passing the same houses every five minutes.

"Aidennnnnn when are we gonna get there?" I whined. I was actually pretty excited and I couldn't wait to actually get there.

He laughed at my childish voice and I smiled. I love it when I make him laugh.

"We'll be there soon. Maybe like 10 minutes." He said shrugging.

"You said that 10 minutes ago." I frowned.

He stayed quiet. Which made me come to the conclusion that we are lost.

"Aiden? Do you know where you're going?"



He sighed heavily and scrunched up his nose. He looked like a rabbit.

"Okay okay, fine we're lost."

I looked at him for a second then burst out laughing.

He looked at me confused.

"What's so funny?"

"We're lost." I mimicked him. "Your face was so funny when you said it."

I said, continuing to laugh; I realized I'm making a complete idiot of myself. I must look like a mad person. I tried to take in some air and relax. He pulled over and looked at me again with that scrunched up face of his. I laughed again. His face looked so funny like that.

"What's so funny?" He said.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I calmed down and looked at him with the most serious face I could manage at the moment.

"You looked like a rabbit." I said seriously.

He scrunched up his nose again and once again I laughed.

"Stop....doing...that!" I said in between breathes.

He fixed his face and I stopped laughing.

"I did not look a rabbit."

I looked at him like he had a panda on his shoulder.

"Yes you did!"

He looked at himself in the rear view mirror and scrunched up his face. This time I tried to hold back my laughter.

"Well....just 'cause you're right doesnt mean anything." He said slowly.

I giggled.

"Oh yeah look like a...Rebecca! Yeah I said it!"

I started laughing like crazy.

"A Rebecca? Really? That's the best you got?" I challenged.

"Don't make me tickle you Becca." He threatened.

I immediately stopped laughing. How did he know I was ticklish? I buried my eyebrows in confusion. Did I tell him that? I don't think I did. Did Ryan? He saw my face and chuckled.

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