Odd Ends

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When Booker closed his eyes, he expected darkness to cover him. Instead, a flash of lights granted his presence. Glory in motion, indescribable, unreal. "What's going on?" He thought.
Was he ethereal, was he becoming a ghost?
All his senses became obscure, meaningless, hard to feel.
He felt strange, abnormal, yet calm.
Minutes past with him in this state.
"Am I dying?. Wait. Am I already dead? Did I hit the water?" Questions arose. Then he turned them to Elizabeth. "Is Elizabeth okay? Is she safe or.. Or alive?" Booker was troubled. "Oh god.. Elizabeth."
Time after time. His senses came back, slowly.
His first sense; sight came back. He noticed a blurred room with knocked over furniture. Barley could he see anything.
His second sense; Smell became active. An archaic smell of wallpaper filled his nostrils. It was familiar and comforting.
Booker's other senses came back. When his sense of touch arrived, he felt himself lying down on some hard surface.
"Where am I?" He said aloud.
A faint male voice was heard, aiming towards Booker.
Booker couldn't hear what he was trying to say or see him anywhere. Booker only heard the word Anna. "Anna." Said Booker slowly. "No..."
The male voiced laughed, causing Booker's tension to rise.
He gasped, widening his eyes.
"Anna!" Heshouted.
Bookers senses came strong. A rush of adrenaline peeled to his veins. Straight away he got up, looked around. "Anna where are you?!" His thoughts scrambled from where he was, the male voice, to Elizabeth and Anna.
"Elizabeth! Anna! Where are y'all!" Booker searched around the modest room. He panted. Panicked. "Anna! I'll.. I'll.. I."
Suddenly his sharp senses faded back. He became sleepy, worried and relaxed.
"Anna.." He repeated drowsily. "Anna.. I.. I'll." Booker fell back onto the floor.
Barley above a whisper he spoke. "Anna. I'll save you.. I'll save you."

"No no, don't die on me Mr.Dewitt!" Elizabeth panicked. She tried pumping water out his chest. Pressing upon him. "Come on!"
She pulled her hair, desperately trying ways to revive him. The only method she didn't try was pressing her lips onto his, she was too nervous for that.
"Is he knocked out?" She thought. "Is he in a coma... Or worse. Is he dead?"
Elizabeth dragged him way out onto a local beach to land. She panicked her whole way and still is panicking.
"I can't just leave him behind." She thought.
Which she couldn't. She has a small innocent heart. Never will she ever leave someone behind.
Especially someone who saved her from being locked up in a shitty tower for life. Elizabeth is now in the real world thanks to Dewitt.
Dewitt is now Elizabeth's hero.
Elizabeth took her focus on Booker. "You're not dead.. Come on!. You're alive. I. I know you are."
She began to loose hope slowly. "You're not dead.." She was about to loose her mind and cry. Her heart couldn't bare the loss of Dewitt, even though she just met him. She felt something special with him. Some vibe. She can't describe it. She only knows to say that she feels safe and out of harms way with him.
Tears streamed down her face, hopeless.
Until Booker immediately coughed.
Cough cough!
Water gushed from his mouth.
"You're alive!" Elizabeth yelled.
"Anna." Booker spoke above a whisper. "Anna."
Booker troubled himself, lifted his head, desperately looking towards Elizabeth for help. "I.. I'll save her." His focus laid full attention to Elizabeth. She was kneeling down, happy. "Dewitt. I'm so glad you're alive!"
Booker barley heard a word she said, he plopped his head back down. Closing his eyes, breathing slowly. "Dewitt are you alright?"
No response.
Elizabeth checked his pulse. He's still alive, only resting.
"Whose Anna?" She thought. "What does she mean to him? Where is she at?"
Elizabeth posted those question at the back of her mind.
Right now she has to focus on help for Dewitt.
Elizabeth glided her hand on his face with a smile. "I'll be back. Just hang on tight."
She began to search for help.. But soon she became overexcited. The fact of her being free from the tower extinguished her fears and worries. When she was in that tower, she'd always imagine exploring outside. How amazing it must be to walk long distances, meeting people, interacting with people and seeing what types of individuals there are. Elizabeth honestly never socialized with anyone. Well that was until Dewitt showed up. He's the first person shes seen. Up close that is.
Dewitt slowly fell out of her mind, became a less important factor. Her dreams of socializing and exploring the real world grew larger. Nothing could change her mind.
Booker saw Elizabeth leave. He was to exhausted to react. He was tired from all that running and falling and thinking of Elizabeth.
Once Elizabeth walked off out of sight, Booker knocked out dead cold. His mind filled with memories. He remembered holding Elizabeth's hand before falling into a pit of water. He couldn't stop thinking about that moment, how soft her hand was. How delicate she was, her innocence. Booker never allowed himself to open up so easily. He prefers staying in the dark.
Holding her hand revealed to much vulnerability as to what he believes.
All of Bookers senses shut down. His mind drifted along about Elizabeth. Keeping him relaxed..

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