Chapter 33

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We had been at Hawaii for 3 weeks now, and we had an amazing time.

I spend a lot of time alone with Jack, while Chris was filming. It was really nice, to bond with Jack like this.

Today was Jack's last day with us. I would go to LA with him the next morning.

Chris had the day off, so we spend all the day together.

We decided to goo to the beach.

I watched from my towel, on the beach, as Chris and Jack played in the water. A warm, happy smile spread across my face.

I had never been so happy, and I had the feeling, that this was only the beginning.

"Come play with us!" Jack screamed towards me, making me chuckle happily. I got to my feet and ran into the water, to join them.

Suddenly Chris walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He whispered, followed by a smirk.

"Yes. But keep telling me." I chuckled, before I placed a quick, soft kiss on his lips and turned back to Jack.

At some point Jack got tired, so Chris picked him up and walked to me.

"There's photographers hidden in every corner." I sighed.

"Let's give them a good pose then." Chris said smirking, before he leaned in for a kiss, careful not to squeeze Jack between us.

I smiled warmly at Chris, as he pulled away.
Suddenly Jack reached out his arm for me. I shared a surprised look with Chris, before I took Jack in my arms.

"Oh, you're so heavy." I chuckled, as we walked towards the beach.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked as we walked. Chris and I shared sweet glances as we walked.

Jack nodded eagerly.

"Should we read or watch a movie, when we get home?" I asked.

"Read!" Jack answered excitedly.

"Okay!" I said happily, making Chris chuckle.

We got home and took a shower.
I found Chris, giving Jack a bath, in the other bathroom.

It was so sweet, to watch them play around. I didn't want to disturb them, so I walked into the bedroom. They didn't have much time together, so they should have their small moments together, alone.

I found some books and waited for Jack and Chris, to finish.

"Melissa?!" I heard Jack yell.

"In the bedroom!" I yelled back, followed by small footsteps running down the hall.

Jack ran into the room, and jumped into the bed. He picked a book, and made himself comfortable, cuddled up next to me.


Chris's point of view.

I gave Jack a bath, and got him dressed, before I asked him to go and find Melissa.

I heard him yell her name, and then his small footsteps running down the hall towards the bedroom, where she was waiting for him.

I was so happy, that they got along so well. I couldn't wish for more.

I took a shower, and cleaned up in the bathroom, after our little water splash fight, before I walked into the bedroom, where I found Jack sleeping quietly, cuddled up next to a sleeping Melissa.

I was amazed by how fast he thrusted her.

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