Chapter 7

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(sorry if the last chapter was bad, the Writer's Block punched me right in le face lel :P it's probably gonna do it again but THIS IS MY FIGHT SONGGGGGGGGGG- ugh I break into song too much.)


~???'s POV~

Someone's watching me. I know it. I can't shake the feeling. I feel like none of my plans are safe. None of my plans to get rid of that purple idiot and every bit of sanity he has left.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I've had the feeling of being watched several times before. I know that feeling as well as I know the feeling of blood on my hands.

Whoever's watching better watch their back while they're at it, heh.


~Your POV~

You and Vincent went back home and you climbed into your bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

You had another nightmare, once again at Freddy's. You heard a gunshot and your head snapped toward the sound.

"(Y/N)! H-Help- ack!- me!"

You rushed toward the sound and found Vincent laying on the floor, bleeding from a wound that appeared to be from a bullet. You panicked. In this nightmare, it seemed you were helpless.


You began crying.

"Vincent, I-"

"(Y/N), pl-please, help me..."

"I-I can't..." You choked out.

But then the scene changed. You found yourself in the middle of the forest. You looked around. This actually looked like a nice dream. Until you noticed the bloodstains on the ground.

Something in the back of your mind told you to run. Run and don't look back. And once again you trusted your instincts.

But then you tripped and fell. You groaned before blinking and looking up.

There stood a younger version of Vincent. He held his hand out.

"Need a hand, kid?"

You hesitated before nodding and reaching out and taking his hand. He pulled you up to your feet.

"Vin! Come on!" Another boy ran around the corner, and saw you.

"Vin!" He scolded loudly, groaning.

"I'm coming, geez!"

"No, you were talking to her!" He hissed. "Now come on!"

Vincent turned and walked after him.

"After all, she's just some dumb girl!" The other boy hissed just loud enough to hear, snickering afterwards.

You let your jaw hang open at his remark for a minute.

Vincent just glanced over his shoulder at you and mouthed the word 'bye.'

Suddenly, you jolted awake.

You sat up in your bed. "Well that was certainly a... Strange dream." You muttered to yourself, lying back down in your bed.

"Oh, well. At least it wasn't another one of those horrible full-length nightmares again." You said to yourself, yawning and falling back asleep.


Together they made an exchange:
Lies for being insane
But soon he learned that you cannot end a game
Once the devil begins to play.

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now