A/N: Thanks~

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Thanks for reading another one of my monstrosities!

Yeah yeah I probably destroyed you with feels and hatred for certain characters but I don't give a crap

Anywho lets talk about that cliffhanger ending.

So I was thinking, what about one more short book?

Lately I've had many cool ideas packed with more awesome butt-kicking, knives, insanity, and of course mai specialty feels. I just couldn't fit them in here though, so I was thinking about it.

Also I probably won't kill anyone else off if I make a new book but I'm not gonna promise because I change ideas along the way to publishing stuff

So would y'all like that?? Or nah?

Anywho, over 100k views on the first book!!! Woohoo~ You guys are AWESOME! I always wanted to get a decent amount of views and stuff but I never actually thought I'd get that many! I love y'all~

So yeah that's it. Buh-bye!!!

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now