Chapter 9 Her!

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Kara's POV:
It's the day if the concert and I'm so excited. I get to see my fave band live!
Ding dong
Oh that must be Hayes!
I open the door and its him and he's wearing something around his neck? "Hi Hayes I'm so excited" I say jumping into his arms. "Me" he hands me something. It's a lanyard....wait? Back the truck up...OMG he got us backstage passes!!! "Hayes OMG this is incredible!!" I say kissing him. "It's just a little something extra to show how much I love you!!" He says smiling. Aw...something seems fishy...he's been giving me presents... A LOT!! And he has been telling me I love you more than ever...something's up! "Aw thanks babe" I say hugging him. "Shall we get going?" He says holding out his arm. "Sure who's driving us?" I ask confused since we can't drive yet. "That's an even bigger the door!" He says. I open the door and I almost die. In the street parked is a shiny black limo. "Hayes omg seriously your the best boyfriend possibly ever!!" I say running to the limo. PAUSE: I know I might sound crazy but I swear Hayes is up to something....he wouldn't go all out of his way for no reason? Oh we'll continue. "Right this way" he says as he opens the door to the limo. "Thanks" I say kissing him on there cheek. "Peter we are all ready" he says to a middle aged man sitting up front. "Ok Mr.Grier lets go!" Says Peter.
Hayes POV:
I'm so happy Kara is happy. I don't know how much longer I can hide this! I mean I can't keep this secret much longer....and no I'm not going to Magcon and leaving her! It's something kinda worse....ugh what am I doing? I like Kara right? But I'm also starting to like $&!? ugh what do I do? Ok for tonight I'm just gonna have fun won't Kara and make sure she isn't suspicious at all!!
Kara's POV:
We arrive at the concert and I'm so excited I can't keep it in! I jump out of the limo and scream. Hayes gives me a weird look "what I can't help I'm excited!!" I say turning back around "ok just don't get too excited" he says putting his arm around me as we wait to get to our seats.
15 mins later:
We finally arrive at our seats and we are really really close to the stage like be able to touch them close!! Dang this must have cost a fortune how did he have all that money? "Wanna a drink or something Kara? I'm going to get one" Hayes says getting up. "Uh...sure I'll have a Pepsi plz!" I say turning to him. "Ok be right back....oh can you hold my phone for me plz?" He says turning back around. "Sure" I put out my hand and he hands me his phone. He leaves. I know this is wrong but I gotta find out what's up! I turn his phone on and slide it. DARN! He has a passcode. Wait? I know Hayes...I know his passcode: 1212 luckily the phone opens. Wow Hayes smart choice of numbers. I open messages and see his recent texts. 1 new message from...Gina???!!! Why is he texting her? I open the text and the have like 100 messages! I go through them
G=Gina H=Hayes
G: hey wanna go out tonight?
H: can't taking my girlfriend to a concert maybe tomorrow night?
G: k lets go to Auntie Ann's at 6:30?
H: k meet you there!
End of convo
Omg he is going on a date with Gina? Why? I quickly tune off his phone cause I see him coming with our drinks. "Hey here you go!" He says handing me my drink and sitting down. "Thanks boo!" I say opening my drink. "It looks like the show is about to start!" He says checking his watch. "Oh goodie!" I say clapping. He starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask. "Your really cute you know that?" He asks holding my hand. "Yeah I get that a lot" I say laughing. The show starts. Hayes and I stand up and start dancing and singing. I see him check his phone a couple times and I ask what he's doing. "Nothing just texting...Nash and telling him the concert is good!" He says putting his phone away. Liar! I know he is texted Gina I saw her contact come up! Ugh why won't he tell me the truth? I mean yes I'll be a little upset but I'm more mad now he is practically cheating on me!! Ugh I don't know what to do should I confront him? No! Then I might lose him and I don't want Gina to have him then! Ugh I wish I could ask someone what to do! Wait I know I'll ask Lauren! Yeah she'll  know what to do! I just hope she gives me the right answers! For now I'll just enjoy the concert. "Kara you okay? You look like something is wrong?" He asks me looking concerned. "Oh uh no nothing is wrong I'm just a little tired." I lied. "Oh okay I think the concert is over in about an hour! So stay tight!" He says hugging me. "Ok I'm gonna sit down for a little bit" I say sitting down. "Ok whatever makes you comfy" he says he is so sweet!
1 hour later:
The show ends and Hayes and I walk out and wait for Nash to pick us up. "Hey did you like the show?" He asks holding my hand. "Yeah it was awesome. Thanks again" I say kissing his cheek. "No problem." He says when Nash pulls up. "Come on lovebirds" Nash yells. We get into his car.
We arrive at my house and I thank Hayes again and I thank Nash for driving me home. I open the door and my mom is on the couch asleep. I check into my brothers room and he is asleep too. I should go to sleep to its 11:36 pm!
I head to be with my concert clothes on
Hope you liked his chapter guys I'll try and update soon! Love ha buttercups bye!🌷

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