New boys-Chapter 14

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I open my door and sitting on my bed is Hayes!!! "What are you doing here?" I say shocked. "I want you back Kara! I can't stand not being with you!" He says standing up. "Hayes...I..I'm actual probably moving to California but idk yet" I say looking down. "Oh...I still love you!" He says putting his hands on my arms. "I..." Then all of a sudden I here a loud beeping sound outside. Hayes and I go over to my window and look out, new neighbours are moving in it looks like. I go downstairs to go meet them. Hayes follows. "Kara wait!" He says grabbing my hand. When he does I don't feel those same's like they...are lost. "Yeah Hayes" I say turning around. "Do you want to get back together?" He says looking into my eyes. "Hayes....:idk I have to think about it" I say letting go and running outside. I see two boys step out of a moving truck. They look my age and they appear to be twins!! They are really cute. I walk over to them. "Hi I'm Kara I live across the street" I say. "Hi I'm Julian" says the one boy shaking my hand, his hair is more in a quiff. "I'm jovani" the other twin says shaking my hand, his hair is a little more messed up but they still look alike but I'm more drawned to Julian. "Nice to meet you....are you attending the school down the street?" I ask. "Yeah we are 15 going on 16" says jovani. Yes they are my age!!! I turn around and see Hayes with his arms crossed. I budge him signiling him to say hi. "Hi I'm Hayes....her boyfriend" he adds. I can't believe he just did that. "Um....what? No you aren't my boyfriend Hayes!" I say glaring at him. "Okay..." Says Julian. "We should hang out sometime?" He says smiling at me. "Yeah that would be fun" I say. Fun? What the heck Kara that would be fun? What are you three? "Here is my number call me!" He says handing me a piece of paper. I look over at Jovani and he kinda blushes but doesn't say anything. (Oh if you couldn't tell I added 99goonsquad in here cause they are bæ) I turn around and I see Hayes walking home. I don't follow after him I don't care. " that dude your boyfriend?" Asks Jovani. "No!! He cheated on me and wanted to get back together but I said no" I say folding my arms. Julian blushes. "Oh that's good.....that you said no" I blush then jovani speaks up. "Do you want to come inside and hang?" He asks. "In a little bit I need to go visit my friend Lauren down the street then I'll come back" I say smiling. Julian looks happy. "Ok and being your friend along" says jovani smiling. "K" I say then I run down to Lauren's house. I get to her door and Nock. She answers the door and looks really happy. "Hi Lauren" I say. "Omg hi Kara" she says hugging me. "Hey there are these new boys down the street..." I explain how they are twins and who is which and about Juliana then jovani and then going over there. "Oh wow they sound cute count me in" she says getting up from the couch. "Ok let's go" I say. We walk to their house and I get to the door and it's already open. I Nock on it anyway. This lady come to the door as she is walking by. "Hi I'm Kara I live across the street. Jovani and Julian invited me and my friend over" I say shaking the lady's hand. "Aw they are so sweet...I'm Mrs. Jara but feel free to call me mama jara" she says . Soon the twins appear at the door. "Hey Kara" they says at the same time. "Hi this is my friend Lauren" I say. "Hi Lauren I'm jovani" I can Tell jovani likes Lauren lol. He shakes her hand then they invite us in. We sit on the couch and I say "so tell me about yourselves" they both look at each other and go on explaining how they are really famous on YouTube and you now and go on meet and greet tours with other guys and are Instagram famous and all that! "Woah" I say. "Yeah it's kinda a lot to handle but it's alright" says Julian. "So...Kara you don't have a boyfriend?" Julian continues. YESSSSSS!!! "No I don't....and you don't have a girlfriend" I ask. "Nope" he says and he pops the P. "What about you Lauren" jovani asks. "Uh single Pringle!" She says laughing. "Me too!!" Says jovani. "Wow we are all single😂" I say laughing. "Want to to upstairs?" Says Julian. "Sure" Lauren and I both say. We get into their room and it's huge. "Want to play truth or dare?" Asks Julian again. "Sure" Lauren and I say again. "Okay.....Kara truth or dare" Julian asks me. "Uh....dare I'm a rebel" I say laughing. "Ok....I dare you to kiss me!" He says wiggling his eyebrow. "Now? Here" I ask. Even though I want to. "Well we can go in the bathroom if you want but yeah now" he says getting up. "Okay " I say and he helps me up. We enter the bathroom and he locks the door behind him. It's kinda awkward but then he leans in.......I felt those sparks again. I don't want this moment to end. But then I forgot I'm dating Alex. Oh well I'll send a break up text later....I don't want to move to California. We realise and his arms are around my waist and my hands around around his shoulders. "Kara I know we literally just met but I really like you already! Will you go out with me?" He asks still holding onto me. I think for a sec....."of course" I say hugging him. We walk out of the bathroom and jovani and Lauren we're leaning against the door listening. "You guys!" I say crossing my arms. "Aw love birds!!!" They say at the same time. We sit down again and it's my turn to ask. "Um.....Lauren truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare duh!" She says. "Fine...then I dare you to kiss jovani!" Her eyes almost pop out of her head. But then they get up and walk into the bathroom. Julian and I just sit there. All of a sudden he grabs my hand. I really like it. I smile and him and he smiles back. Then come out and Lauren looks happy. "What?" I ask. "I asked her out." Says jovani. "Double dates ohhhhh" says Lauren.
Time has really passed and it's 8;30. I tell Julian by and I hug him. I do the same for jovani. "Thanks again guys bye Julian" I say walking out. Lauren walks home and I walk across the street. What a magical night!! I go upstairs and get ready for bed. I shower and brush my teeth and get my PJ's on and slip into bed. After going and stalking the boys on Instagram I go to bed. But then i remember I need to text Alex! I grab my phone and shoot him a Text saying I'm not coming back and I lost interest in him and I'm sorry but we are breaking up. I get a text back instantly from him saying it's all good. I'm glad all is well. I go to bed.
Hope you liked this chapter I wrote this whole thing at 11:30 at night while I'm in bed! I'm tired I hate going back to school. I will try and update tomorrow but if I don't plz be patient. Bye follow me on Insta: Alexag17

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