part 1

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When will my life soothen? Why am I so unlucky? I can't handle this anymore. I should just die. I should just drown my self right here right now. In this small puddle where it can barely sink the bottom of my shoe sole. Nobody needs me. Nobody wants me.

"Shut up tae" I said to myself picking up my belongings that had fallen on the floor. If I don't hurry there won't be any food left to eat. Well its not like I eat a lot anyways.

My mom and dad had died in a car crash about a year ago. Leaving no one to take care of me making me move into a foster home. I'm 17 now, and one more year to go and I can leave that hell hole. I'd say that many people who are gonna be kicked out of the foster home would be scared because they had no place to go,but not me. I've saved every little penny I could get my hands on, that way I can try to get a decent apartment.

I arrived at the foster home and the ms. got angry at me again. I was literally one minute late!! She gave me a speech about how important it is for me to be there on time and blah blah blah.

I had ran up to my room afterword and hurdled my school bag at my desk. There was nothing left to eat. That ms. took all my time. We'll I'll survive. This has been day 2 without eating a thing. But I was glad my stomach didn't rumble so I was fine with it.

I headed out of my room to take a shower. Of coarse it was closed by this time. "Shit." Now what. I can't just sneak in there. Last time I did they'd hit me so hard that the bruises became sensetive and bled all night. Guess I'll take a shower tomorrow.

I sprinted to my room lightly closing the door behind me locking it as well. I flopped on my bed and drifted of to sleep.

In the morning I had woken a little earlier to take a shower. I can't stand being dirty.

I had taken all my things and went to the showers. Once I was there I had finished up quickly so not to get yelled at. Once I came out I saw rap monster. That was his nickname of course but nobody remembered his real name. Neither did I for a matter of fact.

He pulled me by my collar dragging me where the cameras can't see.

"Hey princess." He said this while thrusting a punch to my stomach.

"Eow!!" I had been a little too loud and attracted the ms. Rap ran out cursing under his breath. While I was there on the ground trying to actually breath. He had slugged me at my chest pushing out the air as well. I hadn't heard footsteps so I had thought the ms. had some eager things to do.

I had sprinted out of the foster home with 3 things all the way to school. My school bag,pain and tears flowing in my eyes threatening to fall.

I had made it to school. Surprisingly. I had gone to first period like usual but skipped 2nd and 3rd due to my stomach pain.

I decided to go to the school roof. I threw off my sweater and pulled my shirt up to get a good look at what rap monster did. There were 2 clear brusis. Turning to a purple-ish black. I had pulled down my shirt. Arms showing all old scars. I bit my lip. Wow I'm so frikin disgusting. I had thrown back on my sweater cursing at myself.

I looked over the edge of the school roof. Jump. Do it nobody will care. Do it. By now I had tears making there way down my face. To the fact that my thoughts were true. My breathing gone quicker now. Why can't anyone help? Why can't people appreciate me? Understand that I'm human too. I had to distract myself in some way. I took my school bag and started searching for a peice of medal.

There wasn't any. Dang. I probably left it. I searched the floor for something I could use. I spotted a rusted broken pipe on the floor. I picked it up and sat down on the floor. Pulling my sleeves up.

I had barley made any contact with the pipe before someone shouted for me to stop. I was startled and looked up to see who it was. It was a guy I've seen maybe once or twice in the hall. But why is he up here? Why is he even talking to me? I had dropped the pipe and ran out the door taking my belongings with me. Who was he exactly? I don't know his name.


I had decided to skip 2nd period because I hadn't done the homework and that teacher likes to give us penalties.

With a yard stick. Or sticks.

Anyway I was on my way drifting to sleep when I heard a bang. That's the door. I told myself. I guess I'm not the only one skipping. I looked over my shoulder behind the big bullitan board. I was basically hiding in plain sight. All of a sudden the dude stripped his sweater off and pulled up his shirt revealing his stomach.

I know I should've looked away but something in me went against it. That's when I noticed he was crying. That made me cringe. He was suddenly checking through his bag and saw the pipe and picked it up. Was he going to throw it? Bang it on something? No, he suddenly pointed it towards his arm. I-is he gonna do what I think he's gonna do? For some reason my mind went crazy over the fact he was going to self harm himself.

"Stop!!" I shouted before I even knew I did.

He looked at me blankley tossing the pipe onto the floor and leaving taking what he brought with him.

Is he going to be alright? He won't try again will he? Kook stop being so nosy into others lives, you don't even know this guy for crying out loud.

Yet inside I had the feeling that I might get closer to him than before. So I COULD have a reason for me to worry about him.
Hey!! Thanks for reading! Have any suggestions or comments? Then say so!! I'd love to hear what you have to say!! ◑﹏◐

Srry for any typos!!

Plz vote if you liked and hope you enjoy what's coming next!!

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