part 11

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I had just left my home room to use the bathroom when suddenly an angel falls across me.

And I happily caught it.

I smiled wide as I helped Taehyung get up.

Gah, this alien always surprises me.

"Hey Tae" I say as he looks at me.

I undeniably saw fear in his eyes.

Seeing that doesn't fit him. Something that made him do that thing.

Those things.

And I for some odd reason felt weak. As in my emotion felt off.

From a happy go lucky mood to a fearful tiger.

If that makes sense.

But not many moments later Jin and Jimin come around the corner.

And naturaly we all fist bumped and said our hellos. Jin and Jimin were nuteral friends.

I didn't know them all so well, but I did know a bit about them.

So they weren't strangers, nor were they friends.


Tae had tugged a bit for his arm free and this I took note of.

"Do ya need something?" I had asked.

And immeadiatly Jin looked over to Taehyung.

"Yeah, Him." And as unpanicked as I could told them no. I mean I didn't actually tell them no but I didn't tell them yes either.

That was when I took Taehyung with me and went through many corridors and halls to finally be somewhere where they weren't.

I had fought with my self on what to say and finally did, to get a simple answer in return.


I'm not sure if he was lying. No- he would never lie, right? Not to me that is.


Calm down.

Calm down.

Just calm down.

I looked back at Taehyung to make sure it was true.

And he plastered a smile.

Ok. Ok. Ok.

Its okay.

I feel like I was the one having a heart attack and not him.

I had held his hand all the way back to our floor and kissed his cheek before he said good bye and left.

I watched as he left and disappeared around the corner.

And finally entered the class.

"Park. What took you so long?" The teacher had asked once I gave him his pass back.

"Nothing much. Just the toilet." I had responded with.

"And it took all period just for that? You do know you missed the entire lesson, right?"

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