part 7

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He didnt do anything. More like he froze and that made me think I did something I shouldnt have.

Heck i don't even know if he actually like guys. For all I know he could be straight.

Although as i was about to pull away he suddenly pulled me closer slowly acompaning my movements.

His lips were so warm. Like the rays of a sun hitting you lightly.

I had my hands around his waist and his were holding tight on my shirt.

I couldn't help but smile as we kissed so passionately.

As I was getting closer to him the door suddenly swings open making both of us jump.

"Hon, I'm home from work. ~"

Aishh. Mom.

Me and Taehyung had let go and were both just standing there.

"Hon? Oh,we have a guest. Welcome! I'm Jungkooks mother. ~ sit,sit. I shall prepare some drinks."


I hadn't moved an inch after kookie started to kiss me.

I didn't respond but he slowly pulled away. I wanted more. I wanted more of him. I slowly pulled him back acompaning his movements.

Although after a couple of minutes we hear the door open and we both jump.

"Hon. I'm home from work. ~"

The voice sounded gentle and sweet. Just like my mothers.

We were standing there in awkward silence until his mother poked her head inside the kitchen.

She had greeted me and decided to prepare some drinks.

I looked down at the table the whole time. I could tell I was blushing, from how hot my face felt. In the corner of my eye I saw kookie looking at me. I wiped my now gone tears and noticed that my sleeve still had blood all over. My eyes widen and I looked up to Jungkook who now under stood the situation.

"U-uhm mom were gonna be in my room just call my name and I'll be right over to help."

He looked at me and grabbed my arm hiding the smeared blood.

He pulled me up as fast as he could not waiting to hear a response from his mother.


I wasn't in the least bit sure on what to ask, Nor simply what to say.


I had grabbed Taes arm and headed up toward my room.

Fresh clothes. Fresh clothes. Fresh clothes.

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