part 5

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I didn't really think much about life. But today I kinda wanted to end one. Mine. I never hated anything in this why does the world hate me?Why can't I just die? Everything was better without me.

I sat up on bed. I have nothing to do besides replaying dreadful scenarios in my head. I would go to school but its a week end. Saturday. I dreaded staying in the foster home. And I dreaded leaving. I dreaded going to school. And dreaded leaving.

Either things got at least somewhat decent or horrible. My life was basically a horror story where nothing good came out of anything.

Tears suddenly came uninvited and I brushed them away hurriedly. I went up to my school bag to study what ever I thought was useful. Yup, when I have nothing to do I study but I've read all my textbooks front to back being able to memorize every word.

When I was pulling out my history book out flipped a peice of paper. I picked it up and looked at it. Ah, right Jungkook gave this to me. I wonder if I'll ever use it.

I decided to go back and just lay on bed. Lunch had passed and I wasn't in the least bit hungry. Hours flew by still nothing. The only noise that echoed inside my room would be me humming a tune to a song I once liked.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment.

"Hey seewtie!!" Mom said as she picked me up and hugged me. I plainly looked at her. Why is she here?

"I thought you might have wanted pancakes for breakfast. So I made some!" She said as she placed a heart shaped pancake and had whipped cream dashed across it.

"I'm not hungry." I said this as I pushed the food away.

"Eh? I made this just for you and you won't eat it?!" My mom pouted. "Guess I'll eat it instead. Boys can be burdens."

I looked up scared to only see my father.

"Come on! We gotta get going before traffic starts!! We want a long vacation! So let's start early!!"

I decided against it but I couldn't control anything." Coming!" Did that come from my mouth?

We had packed and started driving. We were in the express going at the right speed.

My eyesight then became filled with red. I heard faint sirens. People shouting and screaming. I was also overcome in pain.

"Mom?" I said as I rubbed my eyes. I looked up to only see that my mom wasn't there. There was also a big hole on the window right in front of where my mom was sitting. Covered with more red stuff.

"Dad?" I looked over to see my dads head placed on the wheel. Horn,making loud noises as it bursted my ears.

"Dad? Why are you sleeping? We're going on a vacation and the first thing you wanna do is sleep?" I saw that he wasnt paying attention to me and I pouted.

Someone opened my door,unbuckled my seat belt. Pulling me out.

"Don't worry it'll be alright."

It was a man in all red. Dash's of yellow lines on his clothes.

"Its gonna blow!!" Someone yelled out and I turned over to see the commotion. The car I was in not many minutes ago flaring up into one big end of a match.

I started crying wanting the company of my parents. I was scared and hurt. Mom and dad never told me they were gonna preform a horror movie for our vacation.

I woke up with tears in my eyes and multiple wet spots on my bed. Why do they have to take away my parents? I was crying by then. I can't take the world hating me so much that they will take lives of people so dear to me.

I brushed away the tears as they continuely kept dripping from my eyes. Making me wonder if the water I had in my body would waste.

I had gotten up and opened up my desk. Seeing my metallic object and taking it out. I need a distraction,and this will give it to me. I had once used to hate pain but it was the only thing there for me where ever I go.


I was laying on bed that night wondering when Tae would decide to call. Its been over a week and all I want to do is cuddle with that boy until we fall asleep. My tummy had a funny lingering feeling inside when I thought about how lisp his voice was. How his plump pink lips moved as he talked. How he would lick his lips making me mimic his actions.

Even though I've met him through the worst cases I want to make delightful ones fill his mind. Our minds. Together.

"Taehyung... Stay happy...keep your smile. You might not think you mean anything but you surely mean the world to me."

As I said these words I had closed my droopy eyes and fell asleep.


I noticed that Tae hadn't come out his room for breakfast,lunch or dinner. It kinda made me worry if he had finally killed himself and manage to succeed.

As I was on bed that night I heard soft humming. Then some ruffling of stuff and then quietness. Guess he was just not hungry. If he weren't human he'd be a stick.

I was about to go to bed before I heard some sniffling from his room. He's crying again. I had told myself getting annoyed. This is probably the reason why I hurt you Tae. You never actually man up.

I heard a cabnet opening and shut. I didn't hear anything else.

Tae.. Man up. People have problems and your becoming mine. Just delete bad memories and make friends already. Your starting to linger and that's not good.

I started off to bed and hear him say 'ow'.

Stop hurting yourself Tae. Nothing good will come out of it.

This I have to say is horrible I've rewrote this three times and I'm still not happy with it.

Anyway srry for the super late update guys. But I hope you enjoyed this part!!

Vote if you like and comment!!

Also srry for any typos!!

I'm also thinking of taking requests so if you have any comment them!!

Ciao for now guys~~


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