Part 15- 2/2

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"Jin?" I asked and the male indeed turned around.


"What are you doing here?" I had asked. While the elevator dinged signaling that it went down a flight.

"Got called. And you?"

"Same thing. For the same purpose I suppose?"

"Does it start with T?"


"Then I guess so." He said and the elevator dinged signaling its hit another floor.

I looked up and saw it was barely on floor 3.

"Who called?" I asked when the elevator hit floor 2.

"A guy who named himself J-hope."


Then the elevator opened and we all shuffled in.

I looked over at Namjoon and saw he was red all over.

Then as I was last to walk in out of the three I took a quick glance at Jin and he was averting his gaze away from Rap Mon.

What the hell did I miss?

As I entered another guy had quickly jumped inside before the doors closed.

He looked like he was freaking out a bit and he seemed familiar as well but I didn't say anything.

We waited for a bit before we got to the 4th floor and right away the other guys zoomed out. As if he were sonic.

"Must be in a hurry." I heard Jin say.

As we all walked out I finally asked.

"Why'd you get called?"

Jin looked at me. Something behind his eyes brightened but suddenly flashed away and his eyes became dull.

"He still has me in his contacts. As Friend."

"Still?" I questioned. Last time I saw him with Taehyung he was horribly hurting him.

"Awhile ago I used do you call it... We used to hangout." Jin had answered but his look seemed, off. "Damn." Jin said and clutched his hand so they turned into fists."Even after... That. He still considers me as... A friend?"

We reached Taehyung's room, 4-A. And everyone was so hesitant. Until Namjoon decided to Just fling the door open.

Inside we saw 2 things.


And a doctor.

We were so confused. Especially with the explanation that was given to us.


I was cooking my lunch when I had gotten a call.

I picked up while frying some meat.

"Hello?" I asked since the number seemed familiar.

"Uhm. Hi there, I just wanted to announce that my name is Doctor J-hope and a Friend of yours has gotten badly injured. Mind coming over to the hospital?"

"Friend?" I asked as I turned over the meat. "Who?"

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

"Ow!" I shouted. I had dropped my spatula letting the boiling oil land on my hand. "Damn." I quickly turned off the stove and went to water my hand.

"Everything okay?"

"U-um. How are you so sure you have the right number?" I asked

"Well we had to search his contacts to tell his parents. But couldn't find anything on here. So we went to the closest thing he had. And on here it says.. Your name I presume, Jin is it?"

"Yes that is me. But just because of my name y-"

"Ah. Sorry to cut you off but it also says 'Eomma' Friend Jin. your voice I presume your not really his mom?"

I laughed. "He's still a child. He's like 3. I'll be right over." I hung up and ran out into my car.

Heading over I had made it and asked where Taehyung might be.

I was told the room and as I waited I started to feel guilt.

So much guilt that I hadn't been there for Taehyung or how much I have to only hurt him immensely in the end. But I wanted to change that starting now.

As I waited I started to make a list of why I should come back and reasons not.

Then came along Yoongi and Namjoon.

We had a talk and I became furious with myself. Now I was definitely going to change.

As we waited inside the elevator I couldn't quiet keep my eyes off Namjoon.

I kept on wondering why might he be here.

And when he accidentally caught me staring he turned bright red and averted his eyes.

I looked at Namjoon. Seeing him like this made me laugh on the inside. I continued until in the corner if my eye I saw Yoongi. He was about to glance over so I averted my gaze thinking that the grey-ish elevator wall was so interesting.

As Yoongi pressed the 4 button a guy managed to jump right in.


I had remembered during school Jimin had shown me a picture of Jungkook and said Taehyung and him were going out.

I had asked him why was he so interested in Taehyung and Jimin told me he wasn't.

He envied Taehyung.

Saying that if he had Jungkook he should'nt be so close to Yoongi.

As the elevator doors opened Jungkook zoomed out.

Me,Yoongi and Rap monster looked at each other in confusion but exited the elevator anyway.

We had made it to Taehyung's room and entered.

My eyes widened at what I saw. Instantly having worry flush down inside me.


Boop. Double update.

I found a fanboy.


Anyway. Ily all!!

~Stay Fab~


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