Part 13

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I had jumped and did a small happy dance. Suddenly feeling super energetic and tried jumping onto my seat in class but failed and slid right across.

Still I was smiling like an idiot.


My phone vibrated along the table and I picked it up to see who it was.

New message!

I clicked on my nofic and looked at who sent it.

Jungkook--1 message

I clicked on it thinking at the same time that I should change the plain name.

'Do you love me?'

I knew the answer all too well. Yet I could feel the blush dance across my face.

Answering I had put it away and walked out of the cafeteria.

Having a even deeper shade of maroon dance across my face.

And then suddenly I felt a harsh pain across my face.

I looked up while feeling the tingling sensation on my cheek.

Jimin was standing overhead.

He looked angry which I didn't favor.

I hadn't even said a word when he kicked me in the gut.

"You annoy me so freaking much. Why are you alive??"

I hadn't answered and he punched me again.

"Like seriously! Do you not know how much your not wanted!! Jungkook doesn't like you! See through that you idiot. He is just like us. He doesn't care about you and you know that too."

Jimin had basically screamed at me throwing punches in all directions.

I had wailed in protest but that had done no difference. Once Jimin left kids surrounded me. Taking pictures and calling me such names I thought I wouldn't hear again.

Jimin was right. No one likes me.

No one.

Not even Jungkook. He's putting up a front. Just like Jimin said.

I plucked all my energy and headed to the bathroom.


I had cleaned myself up and locked myself in a stall sitting down and bawling to myself.

I'm such a child. I shouldn't live. Why am I even here?

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