Part 15- 1/2

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I had gotten a message from Yoongi. Stating that I needed to get to the hospital as fast as I could. Only problem was, I was at a whole other part of town.

Doing a job interview. So I couldn't exactly bail an interview that I worked so hard for. Especially if I spent about $37 on this stupid suit.

I was in the middle of the discussion when it was sent. The message of course.

I managed to read it before the director of the meeting saw.

Then around the ending my phone vibrated twice. And as soon as I plastered a smile and shook their hands I ran out.

Looking at my messages as I waited for the bus.

Da King of Swag

Meet me at the hospital. Its very important. Its an emergency.

Address is xxxxxxx

Hurry Over!!

I'll try my best|
I'll tr|

I'll be there in 5

Okay pls hurry

And with that I jumped into the bus and paid sitting down as I finished.


I was laying(-sleeping-)in bed when my phone went off.

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Taehyung's number.

I picked it up and answered.

"What!?" I shouted.

"Oh. I'm sorry is this a bad time?" A man on the other end had said. And for this I sat up straight.

"Who's this??" I asked while I furrowed my brows

"Oh. Well I'm Doctor J-hope. And you are?"

"Yoongi. Why do you have Tae's phone?"

"Ah so you know this man. Well do you mind coming to the hospital. The address xxxxxx. Your friend had gotten into an accident."

"Accident? How? Was he hurt?" I had asked frantically and figited while I put my shoes on. Too lazy to change my clothes.

"We'll answer your question when you get here"

"O-oh okay." I said and hung up already running out the door and messaging Namjoon.

I texted him the address and ran toward the hospital.

"What did he do this time?"

I made it to the hospital and waited in the entrance for Namjoon.

"Yoongi! What's wrong?" I heard in a familiar voice.

I looked over shocked at what he was wearing.

"O-oh um.. Its about T-Taehyung. He got hurt and um yeah." I said as I entered the hospital.

" Wait! This is about Taehyung? Why the hell am I here then?" Rap monster had asked, yet he trailed behind.

"Because......he's a friend." I answered back.


I went up to the counter and looked at the lady and asked.

"Do you have a patient called Taehyung?"

"Yes. He should be on 4th floor. Room 4-A."

"Thank you." I had answered and left. Rap Mon following behind.

And we waited for the elevator. Along with a guy beside us. He looked familiar.

"Jin?" I asked and the male indeed turned around.



This is kinda short so I'll double update later.

I'm also going to update another story so whatch out for that!



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