Part 9

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We walked out of the house telling my mom I'd be back. I felt horrid. Like everything is leaving because my sunshine won't be there with me....tonight.

No kook... No dirty thoughts, not now anyways.

We were walking side by side. Me free handed him not.

"Hey Tae if you want I could carry it for you." I said looking back a bit to get a response.

He shook his head while keeping his eyes glued onto the floor. I puffed out my bottom lip.

Well...if I can't hold your stuff...then I'll hold your hand!

I saw his left hand was open so I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers together.

His hands were cold,but they felt nice. I think there was a saying where if a persons hand is cold that means their heart is nice and warm.

I felt him pull a bit and I just tightened my grip. He didn't stop there though. So when he didn't I planted a small kiss on his hand.

After that I looked a bit at him and saw he was blushing. I smiled at how cute he was looking and did a wink at him.

His eyes were then again glued to the floor.


We were walking and I hadn't paid much attention to him but the ground.

He asked if I wanted him to carry my belongings but I shook my head.

Then he grasped my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

I of course didn't know what to do and I felt myself blush madly. Not only that but I felt his eyes on me.

Like gfjdosnjs. Gee I really am an alien.

But I couldn't take that and stared at the oh so friendly ground.

I wanted to pull away but he tightened his grasp. But when I pulled or, tryed to anyway, he planted a sweet kiss on top.

That of course made stop but my tempeture just rose so high. I felt my face go so red. I bet I might be a cousin of a tomato.

After that I looked up and he WINKED at me.

Like I could have fainted any minute. Mentally though.

~Time skip~

So we finally made it to the foster home.

The super ugly structure I call 'home' or more like just a place to sleep.

I turned to Kook.

"T-thank you." I bowed my head and started off.

"W-wait Tae!"

"Hm?" I looked over and Kook gave me a hug.

"I hope we see each other soon." He pecked my cheek ,smiled and left.

I walked into the foster home and went straight into my room.


"Ah kook. Stop being kind and adorable. I'll fall too deep and won't be able to catch my self.... Oh what am I saying I've fallen even before I had a chance to say no to my heart.

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