part 2

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I decided to leave school after that incident. I knew I would have bursted into tears because I hadn't had the time to distract myself.

I was about a block down from the library. I loved reading since it was the only thing stuck with me at this point. I decided to head there since I was close by. Although before I even had a chance to I saw rap. I wanted to avoid him at all costs. He'd probably breake some bones in me for yelling so loud at the Foster home.

I had decided to go through the alley. It was the shortest short cut I knew that led straight to the foster home.

I heard something behind me. Did he see me?! Oh god did rap actually see me. Just thinking of that I had already started sweating. My heart pounding twice as fast. I felt dizzy. Maybe the lack of food? I fell to my knees. Soon getting up again. I huffed and puffed. All the air looks like its leaving my body.  I had fallen again but I caught myself before my face ramned into the concrete floor.

I decide to sit. Still hearing something walking up to me. But it didn't matter. I shifted my eyes to try and concentrate on my breathing. I haven't had a panic attake in years.

"Hey" I opened my eyes startled for a minute.

"Yes?" I had asked while struggling to get up again.

"Are you ok? Do you need help? You don't look so good."

What? Am I listening correctly?? Someone asking me if I was alright? No one cares.

"Y-yeah,I'm alright. Thanks anyways." Once I was stable I headed down the alley. I heard the bell ring for school kids being let out. I looked at the time. 2:15. Already? I had ran to the foster home before anyone else.

Finally. A big table for just me. A chair just for me. FOOD just for me. And its QUITE just for me... I think.

I had finished eating actually feeling satisfied. I was gonna rush to my room but I bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry." I looked up. Has my world just gone to a nightmare? Rap was in front of me. Also he brought his pal Yoongi.

I looked back to Rap who had an annoyed look. He hurdled me to the side. Me hitting the wall with a massive blow. "Shit" Not again. Please no not again. My eyes getting welled up. Don't cry tae. Don't cry. I looked up with half flooded eyes. Rap just looked at me and Yoongi at his side looking as a camera himself.

"Hurry up Rapster." Yoongi had told rap hearing footsteps.

"Hey trash." He bent down grabbing my collar. "Stay out of my way. Understand?"

I nodded furiously but quickly stopped. My tears shrieking to fall.

He smiled. Did a low growl and threw me back against the wall. "See ya, trash."

I had ran to my room. Happy he hadn't hurt me. Scared for how close he had been, and confused. He was looking at my lips while talking to me. Or was I imagining things?


I had ran out from up top of the roof slowly walking behind that guy. I don't know why but I just could go off without knowing he'd be alright.

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