Once Again

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Jack was running late to band practise as usual, he had a black shoulder bag slung over one shoulder and his music notes held tightly in his left hand. He was headed to music room number 3 where he could already hear his band 'The Local School Ravens' playing with out him, they were loud so you could hear them all the way down the other end off the hall, which was where he was at this point. He dodged passed swooning girls, pushed nerds out of the way -those weirdos that always stand in the middle of where your walking-, the sports fanatics who's footballs were the thing you had to look out for the most and... Ugh him. Him being Hiccup Haddock, the smartest guy in school, he also had quite a following of friends and crazy females, but Jack was far from one of them, no, he hated him. He purposely slowed his pace down just to glare at him, he saw Hiccup glance at him, ignoring his glare, instead raising an eyebrow at him, then giving his friends Astrid and two twins he didn't really know a look that made Jack feel like a child. He stopped not really thinking about his next move but he didn't care, "you wanna fight, Haddock?!" He called out to him with a growl

Hiccup stood up straighter when he heard Jack call out to him, "do you really think that's the smartest idea, Frost? Aren't you late for your stupid band practise again? No actually I'd rather you didn't go, so then I don't have to listen to your horrible singing again."
"Well at least the only music I make doesn't come out my ass!"

"Please, Jack we go through this everyday, your so repetitive. No wonder you only have an IQ of 40."

"Wanna say that again? Cause' I'll show you repetitive."

"I said, you have an IQ of-" Hiccup's cheeky remark was cut off when Jack punched him right in the eye, he stood back as he watched Haddock stumble back into the lockers with a hand over his right eye, he saw fear flash in his eyes.

"I'll see you at the principals office, Asshole." Hiccup muttered, sounding slightly ashamed that he'd been beaten by Jack, he then headed off to the dreaded place with his annoying ass friends tagging along.

People stared at him as he walked the rest of the way to band practise, annoyed that not he was even later. He hesitantly pushed open the door to the music room, his band mates slowly stopped playing when they realised he'd entered the room, "sorry guys, I got into another fight with asshat again." He muttered, -asshat was what they called Hiccup- everyone in the room sighed with annoyance, "really, Jack? Again? How many times are you going to be late this week, huh?" A black haired guy at the back on keyboard asked, his name was Ben Brighton, he was the one who created the band.

Jack shook his head, then took his shoulder bag off, dumping it on the floor then jumping in front of the microphone, "alright, Ben, Sam, Ni, on three."


"They gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you son
So they can watch all the things you do

Because the drugs never work
They gonna give you a smirk
Cause' they got methods of keepin' you clean
They gonna rip off you heads
Your aspirations to shreds
Another cock in the murder machine

They said teenagers scare
The living shit outta me"

Yep so they sung Teenagers in this chapter, they'll probably singing fob next time.
Anyways thanks for reading XD

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