First Date

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Warning sexual/mature content, skip if you don't like smut.
"Ok... You can do this!"
"It's only a first date... And first impressions are everything."
"Oh who am I kidding I've already screwed that up!"
"Hiccup's probably feeling the same way! Or not..."
"Ugh! Why is this so difficult!"

Jack was yelling at himself in the mirror, today was the day of Hiccup and Jack's first date and about 4 days since he'd gotten out of hospital, he was feeling better then ever, though he was nervous.

His mother had been happy for him when she heard that he'd found someone to go on a date with, his dad well... His only answer was a grunt.

Jack was wearing a blue button up shirt with some white jeans, he bit his lip, feeling like he was a little over dressed for a date... Maybe? No he was underdressed! And he only had 7 minutes until he met up with Hiccup. He raced downstairs grabbing a flower out of the vase in the hallway, it was a pink rose, and he could either put it in his pocket as a decoration, or he could give it to Hiccup.
He'd give it to Hiccup.

He burst out of the front door, ignoring the crazy looks he was getting from people enjoying their afternoon stroll, as he jogged down the street.
They were going to meet at a nice restaurant near the shop... And by restaurant he meant a fish and chip shop. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, there was a beach not far from there, and they could sit on the wall that looked over the beach, which divided the grass from the sand.

Jack skidded to a halt outside of the place, bending over as he panted, trying to catch his breath. Just as he arrived so did Hiccup, he was running too. He quickly straightened up, pretending not to be puffed.
"Hey, sorry. Have you been waiting long?" Hiccup asked as he stopped in front of Jack, looking up at him as he stood hunched over, breathing heavily.
Jack shook his head, "don't worry, I only just got here. Come on." He muttered as he slowly and hesitantly reached over and lightly held Hiccup's hand as he lead him inside, he saw him blush out the corner of his eye and smiled, blushing also.

They ordered their fish and chips in a large so they could share it. They took the food, heading onto the grass, then sitting on the low wall that looked over the beach, their feat just above the sand.
Jack placed the fish and chips between them, unwrapping the paper around it and in hailing the salty goodness, before both digging in and having a nice chat and a laugh as they ate their meal, the setting sun beaming between them.
"So you excited to be finishing school, Jack?"
"Yeah sorta... Though I'm kinda worried that I'll fail my exams and never get into a good collage... What about you?"
"I'm pretty glad actually, no more dickheads to worry about and I'm sure you'll pass your exams, maybe we might even get into the same collage? That'll be cool."
Hiccup nudged him gently as he crunched down on a chip, laughing slightly, Jack looked surprised at first, then laughed too. This date wasn't bad at all, it defiantly wasn't as awkward as Jack expected it be, and Hiccup looked great. He had his old hair back and was wearing a green t-shirt with a black light vest over the top and some plain shorts.

It was nearly dark as they walked along the beach, it was cheesy but they couldn't think of anything else, though it wasn't the usual romantic scene you'd expect were they held hands, nope. They were running around throwing sand at each other, then laughing hysterically about it after, it was laid back and fun.
Jack threw up a bunch of sand into Hiccup's face, getting it in his hair, then stumbled back giggling at him, "ha! You look like an old man!"
Hiccup growled lightheartedly, "oh that's it!" He yelled then chased Jack before tacking him to the ground, landing on top of him, so they had no where else to look but into each other's eyes, Jack smiled then blushed, flicking some of the sand out of Hiccup's hair, afterwards, softly cupping his cheeks.
Then Hiccup slowly leaned down and kissed him gently, Jack instantly kissed back, his heart beating so fast, he felt like he'd just hit a milestone in his life.

Jack continued to kiss him, it felt so nice he didn't want it to end, and before he knew it the kissing was getting more and more vigorous, their bodies getting closer together, almost rubbing together.

Hiccup also loved the feeling, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach and himself melting in Jack's touch, then he felt Jack's hand on his chest, making his way further and further down until his hand was right above his pants, he didn't know if he should let him? It couldn't hurt right?
Jack's fingers crept into his boxers, then he felt him touch his member, he didn't have a choice now, he was going through with this, he blushed as darkly as possible and shut his eyes tight, continuing to make out with Jack.

He could feel his hand gently wrapping around it, then slowly pumping it, he gulped slightly, getting more and more butterflies in his stomach, then Jack moved his hand faster, feeling his member getting harder. He started to moan, he didn't even know why it just slipped out, it felt so strange yet so pleasurable.
Then right before he reached his climax as abruptly broke away from the kiss, throwing his head in the air and letting out a loud moan, "f-faster!" He shuttered. Jack smirked and started pumping as fast as he could, until Hiccup came and let out a louder moan, he panted heavily after, nearly collapsing on top of Jack, god... That was amazing.
They didn't go any further then that, just to be safe, and they weren't ready for that yet.

Wow! It's getting steamy! Sorry I took a while to update this one, but I just couldn't think of anything. But anyway thanks for 200+ reads! Wow wtf?! I'm so happy.
So anyway, thanks for reading!

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