Nice Friends

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Jack was blow drying his hair, he stood in front of the mirror as he did, when suddenly his phone rang. It was sitting on the bench top next him, and about to vibrate itself onto the floor, he cringed, quickly reaching over for it but unfortunately it was too far away, and with out realising it he was pulling against the blowdryer cable, which just so happened to fling out of the wall just as he reached his phone, making him stumble forward in to a puddle of water on the floor, he slipped over then landed awkwardly on his arm.

And that's how he ended up in hospital.

Jack lay sleepily in the hospital bed, a fresh cast around his left arm, he'd just woken up after surgery to move one of his bones so it was straight again. And now his friends were visiting, turns out it was Nigel that was trying to call him, to tell him that the band was being entered in a contest. Which was good news, if only he didn't have to hear it from a hospital bed.

"So, when can you leave hospital?" Asked Ben, who was sitting on a chair next to the bed, holding his phone up a little to high for him to be texting... Especially since it was pointed directly at Jack's face.
"Tomorrow.... And Ben.
"You'd better not be taking photos of me, too show everyone in school"
Jack sighed raising an eyebrow, yep that was Ben for you.

"Well it will get you some sympathy when people see how retarded you look, maybe we can even start a charity with these pics!" Ben laughed, Jack frowned with annoyance and punched him in the arm with his good hand,
"Ok ok! I won't start a charity! But I'm still gonna show everyone in school!" He chuckled, then quickly got up, nearly knocking the chair he was sitting on over, then running out the door, the others jogged out after him,

"See ya, Jack, don't worry I'll make sure he doesn't show the worst pictures!" Nigel said, waving as he ran out the door. Jack shook his head, honestly he couldn't care less, his friends were jokers, they just liked to mess with him.

School the next day...

Hiccup was heading too his locker when suddenly he got ambushed by Jack's idiotic friends and bombarded with dopey pictures of Jack in hospital, he didn't care if Jack was in hospital or not, well that's what he tried to tell himself, he found himself feeling sorry for him, even if he was a jerk and the reason why he had a broken arm was pretty hilarious. Once Jack's friends had calmed down slightly he turned to them and asked "so why isn't he here today, if he said he was supposed to be leaving hospital?"

"Oh yeah, he's resting at home, he should be back at school tomorrow, why? I thought you hated the guy?" Ben replied, sounding slightly confused. It was common knowledge that Jack and Hiccup were the worst of enemies in school.
Hiccup shrugged, "just seeing how much time I have left to enjoy myself, with out him being here to annoy me." He answered sassily, the walked away, holding his books in one hand down by his side as he headed away. He couldn't believe it, about a week ago he would have been celebrating that Jack Frost wasn't at school, now... He didn't know what to think, he'd just lied to Frost's dumb friends about how he felt! Oh great! And he just remembered that Jack had his suspicions about him being gay! Was he growing feelings for that idiot?

During math class he couldn't concentrate, the teacher had noticed him daydreaming a few times and told him that if he caught him daydreaming again, then he would he sent out of class and they'd have a chat after school about why he wasn't listening. He blamed this on Jack, his stupid, but hot... Ugh! No! He's not hot, he kept trying to convince himself that but that would be lying to himself.
Luckily Hiccup wasn't sent out of class thanks to Astrid, his best friend, she'd seen that was going on and tapped him on the shoulder every time his mind started to wonder. Although he was glad that he didn't have to explain everything to the teacher, he knew that Astrid was going to question him about it and sometimes that was worse then speaking to any teacher.

It was when he was headed to the cafeteria for lunch that Astrid grabbed his arm outta no where and pulled him into the corridor in front of the entrance to the girls toilets, which any guy knew that was a dangerous place to be.
Astrid looked around briefly before looking Hiccup dead in the eyes, "how are your acting stills?" She asked in a hushed voice.
"Uhh..." Hiccup was confused, why would she ask him that? Suddenly she punched him in the stomach, he groaned and crouched down slightly, hugging himself.
"Ok you have pretty good acting skills."
"I'm not acting... Why did you do that?"
"It's just a safety precaution, now tell me, Hiccup, what's going on? Why were you daydreaming in class that's so unlike you!"
"I know... It's just I don't know how to explain it-" he was cut off when Astrid kicked him in the upper leg as a girl walked past, headed into the bathroom, oh... Now he knew why she was doing this, to make it look like she was just beating him up for coming in the girls bathrooms to protect him in a strange kinda way, he had to admit, the plan was ingenious.
"Ow... Anyway... I just, ugh! This is so frustrating!"
"Come on, Hiccup, you can tell me anything."
"Um... Astrid, I'm gay... A-and I think I might have feelings for Jack..." Hiccup finally admitted it, he felt like the weight of 2000 ton had been lifted off his shoulders and he could just fly away, it felt kinda strange to.
"Wait, seriously Jack? Hiccup there is so many better guys out there then that dickwit."
"Wait... You don't care that I'm gay?"
"Of coarse not, your my best friend, why would that change anything?"
He felt so relieved and happy, Astrid accepted him for who he was! He wanted to jump up and hug her, but first they'd better get away from the girls bathrooms.

Awww! Good on ya Hiccup! And of coarse Astrid for being an amazing friend!
Though what will everyone else think of his sexuality? Find out next time. Hehehe!

Love ya's all and thx fir reading!

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