"I Can't Believe You"

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It was 3am. Jack couldn't fall asleep due to the fat that Hiccup was sleeping on the floor right next to his bed, he felt like his territory had been invaded. He rolled over with a groan, peering at Hiccup who was curled up on an air mattress he happened to find in the basement. Ok so he wasn't mean enough to make him sleep on the bare floor, even if his parents wouldn't let him do that.
Suddenly he saw Hiccup's eyes twinkling in the dark, Jack quickly rolled back over hoping that he hadn't been seen staring at him... Wait why was he watching him sleep anyway? Isn't that kinda creepy?

"Don't hide it Jack, I saw you watching me." Hiccup's voice sounded tired because he'd just woken up, Jack sighed then rolled back over to look at him again, "I wasn't watching you, I was just checking if you were asleep or not."
"Sure... Well no I can't get to sleep, your room smells like something died and it's annoying the hell outta me."
"Excuse me? I let you sleep in my room and now your complaining? I could have easily made you sleep on the doorstep."

They both rolled onto their backs so they were staring at the ceiling. Jack had too admit, he'd never seen Hiccup this relaxed.
"You know you would be a much cooler person if you didn't act like you had a pole stuck up your ass"
"What are you implying?"
"Nevermind... I can't be bothered starting a fight with you now."
Hiccup shook his head, this guy was unbelievable, "I can't believe you."

They went silent, though the silence was more awkward then not talking at all, they both knew that. "So... Uh, have you called your parents to tell them where you are?"
"No, they're not home anyway, they're both out on a business trip."
"Oh your home alone?"
"You make it sound so creepy, yes I am."
Though it was kind of an insult, Jack laughed a little, Hiccup blinked in surprise, he'd never heard Jack laugh like that before, they only times he'd heard him laugh was at him.
They actually found themselves talking until they both fell asleep at 5am, they were gonna be tired for school yes, but at least they'd gotten some matters resolved and would hopefully not get into any more fights.


Jack tapped his pencil angrily on the table, he was in detention for the whole of lunch. Why? He blamed it on Hiccup. Because they'd stayed up all night talking, he'd fallen asleep in Math, English, Biology and in the boys bathrooms... He reckoned that it was just Hiccup's plan to sabotage his day.
But then unexpectedly Hiccup walked into the room, a little hesitantly, he'd probably never even been in detention before, he took the seat across from Jack.

"What the hell do you think you were trying to pull?!" Jack whispered loudly, leaning over to face Haddock, he watched the teacher out the corner of his eye, though she didn't seem to notice, she was too engrossed in reading 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'. Hiccup looked startled and whispered back angrily, "me?! What where you trying to pull?! Because of you I feel asleep during all my classes today!"
Jack's eyes widened and he leaned back in his chair, they were both here for the same reason, guess he should have realised that Hiccup would suffer the same consequences for staying up so late, they'd done it too themselves, Hiccup seemed to realise that too and looked down at the floor awkwardly.

They sat quietly, the only sound being the tick of the clock, and the occasional flick paper as the teacher read her book. Jack turned to Hiccup, laughing slightly, "what do you think she's reading about?" Hiccup tilted his head, being more serious then he was, "she's probably reading one of the sex scenes, those are hard to take your eyes off of. I know because I've read it." He replied, nodding his head slightly.
Jack stifled a laugh, "what are you gay or something?"
Hiccup's eyes widened, "no! Of coarse I'm not." Jack saw something flash in his eyes, he had a feeling he was lying.
"Ok then, prove it, name a girl that you have a crush on."
"Uh... Why should I tell you? you'll just go blurt it out to everyone in the school."
"Oh my god! You are so lying! Your totally gay man!"
"No I'm not! Y-your gay!"
"Dude I have a girlfriend, Tiara. Look I promise I won't tell anyone, if you are gay"
He saw Hiccup blush and look down at the table.
"I... I-" then the bell rang, Hiccup sighed with relief and left as quickly as possible, Jack followed soon after, smirking and shaking his head as they went their separate ways, he was headed to Algebra, and Jack was headed to band, this time for once in a long time, he wouldn't be late.

In fact he was the first to arrive in the music room, he smiled to himself as he put his things down and set up the equipment. He loved seeing how astonished his band looked when they walked into the room. "Jack, your on time!" Ben commented, looking around with wide eyes, the others nodded in agreement behind him.

They were about to start playing the song Novocaine by Fall Out Boy, when Tiara his girlfriend came into the room, Jack cringed in his mind... She'd want them to play a love song, which wasn't they're style but because it was Tiara, they had too.
"Hey, Jackie!" She cooed, he just cringed more, he hated that name, but he played along with it.
"Hey, so let me guess, you want us to play a song for you?"
She nodded, squealing happily, though they couldn't protest she was probably their biggest fan.

Jack turned to the guys, "ok so, what about we play Stitches by Shawn Mendes?" They nodded slowly, definitely not into it, but started to play none the less.

"I thought that I'd been hurt before
But no ones ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper then knives
Now I need someone to breath me back to life

Gotta feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive..."

Just as they hit the chorus he saw Hiccup stop briefly out side the door, smiling, then quickly heading on again. He smiled at his singing for once, he felt happy for some reason, but sad too that he'd just walked off like that. But he didn't know why?

"You watch me bleed until I can't breath

Hey guys!! So comment if your enjoying this and you want more, so I know if I should continue or not.
And also the characters in the band and Jack's girlfriend are the characters from rise of the guardians just with different names and not magical.
Ben Brighton - Bunnymund
Samuel Manson (Sam) - Sandman
Nigel Clark (Ni) - North
Tiara Fullerton - Tooth Fairy

So just so you know!

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