Why is this happening?

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Hiccup had just gotten back from school, he had gotten home much earlier then usual because he'd ran all the way there, why? So he could talk to Jack, he had to call him, this was important.

He burst in through his front door, barely stopping for a breath as he threw his bag down and zoomed up the stairs to his bedroom. His father was in the kitchen giving him a confused expression, but he just assumed it was... You know... Puberty.

Hiccup grabbed his phone out his pocket, quickly dialling Jack's number as he stood in front of the window, panting from all the running. It would be summer soon, the outside was already pretty warm, hopefully he'd get a chance to hang out with Jack in person.
"Come on... Pick up!" He fretted in a loud whisper, then there was a crackle and Jack answered.
"Hello?" He sounded like he'd been running.
"Hey, Jack its me."
"Oh hey, Hiccup... Listen I've got something to tell you."
"S-so do I... Uh, you go first."
"Um... Well mines more of a question, so you go first."
"Well, ok... Uh..." Hiccup's voice started to get a little shaky, he sounded excited, "so this guy at school... He also came out as gay and... He asked me out! And I said yes!" He blurted out excitedly. He noticed that Jack had gone quiet, what was going on? He was never this quiet, he thought that he'd be happy for him.
"Uh, what? Um yeah that's great... Good for you."
"So... You were going to ask me something?" Was it just him, or did Jack sound a little disappointed?
"You know what, it's nothing important, I was just wondering if you wanted to get an ice cream on Friday?"
"Oh.. Sorry Jack, but I'm going out on a date on Friday... Maybe another time?"
"Yeah... Sure. I'm gonna go... I have to study for finals week... Bye." Then he hung up, not letting Hiccup say goodbye, he didn't understand what was going on, Jack wasn't like this.

Jack quickly hung up, he felt a choking sensation in his throat and his eyes starting to water. He flopped down on his bed, blinking as tears rolled down his face. He was going to ask Hiccup out... But it seemed he was too late.
Ugh, and why did he have to rub it in his face like that?! He didn't have to make it sound so important! It's just some other dumb guy, nothing special!
But he was nothing special either, of coarse he wasn't... If he was something would have given him the chance. Maybe Hiccup wasn't the right one for him? But damn... In his heart it felt so right.
He rolled over and buried his head in his pillow, "FUCK~!" He screamed angrily, this wasn't fair.
Then he opened his eyes, and rolled over again, onto his back with wide eyes, which were red from crying. "You know what... Screw, Hiccup! I'm gonna study hard for finals exams, and I'm gonna ace everything, and rub that in his face! Who'll be crying when I get into a better collage then he does? Ha! Not me." Jack muttered as he got up from his bed, wiping his face, then siting down at his desk and plonking down all his books, he took out his pen and started reading, focusing all his attention on his work.

But about 20 minutes into studying, he was hitting his head on his desk in frustration, "I. Can't. Do this!!" He yelled between hits, he let out a sigh, then stopped hitting his head, instead resting it side on, on his math text book.
"I'm never getting into a good collage... Hiccup's probably gonna get into Harvard... And I'll be stuck here, probably working as a fridge cleaner at the supermarket!" He whined, then closed his eyes, laying there for a bit, until he sat up.
"No! I gotta keep going!"

And that's what he did, Jack worked non stop until the early hours of the morning, when he passed out at his desk.
His mother woke him up from a really good dream that he was having about him and Hiccup.
He jumped awake when he heard his mothers voice, and quickly whipped around in the chair, to look at her. He had dark rings under his eyes and his hair was an absolute mess, his back ached from sleeping in a chair and he felt like he could fall back to sleep at any moment.
"Aw, Jack I'm so proud of you, staying up all night to study."
"Uh... Thanks I guess."
"You look exhausted... Tell you what. I'll let you stay at home for today so you can have a rest."
"Really? Thanks mum." He gave her a tried smile, then got out of his desk chair, he walked across the room, then fell back on his bed.
He felt like a little kid again, back when his mother would let him stay at home when he was sick. Though he wasn't sick... Not in that way anyway.

He stayed in bed most the day on his laptop, or watching TV. At about lunchtime when both his parents were at work, he was on social media sites on his phone, when he saw a picture taken about 20 minutes ago of Hiccup and his new boyfriend eating lunch together at school, in his feed. He felt the urge to cry again, the pain rising in his chest, his eyes widened and he dropped his phone, then sprinted to the bathroom, bursting in through the door then vomiting in the sink, multiple times. When he couldn't throw up anymore he looked up at himself in the mirror as he turned on the tap to wash the vomit down the drain. He looked awful, like he was dead.
He was paler then ever, he had tears running down his face, his eyes were bloodshot and his whole body was trembling with weakness. He didn't understand what was happening, he didn't feel sick before, he didn't have a stomach ache. Why was this happening? Maybe he should call his mum? No, he didn't want her to find out, he could deal with this on his own.

He took a shower, then looked back in the mirror, he was still tired, but he didn't look. As bad, he put on some loose comfortable clothes, then got back into bed, he took out his laptop and searched up his symptoms on the Internet, but nothing made sense on there, there were all sorts of websites telling him different things, so he just closed the lid and laid down, maybe rest was the best option.

Told ya it would be more juicy! I'll be even more juicer next chapter! Hope you enjoyed, soz if you don't like gross vomiting.
Thx for reading, voting and commenting!

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