Chapter 5

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Date: December 30, 2011

Alyssa's POV

Her Thoughts

We just got to the ATL and we're about to go pick up Niq, Bre, and Bahja so we can all go to the movies and then out for ice cream. (Outfit in external link>>>>)

Ray: Alyssa, can you call them and tell them that we're outside, please.?

Alyssa: Sure

(I pushed the call icon on my phone and searched for Niq's number. I found it and cliked it. It rang three times before she answered.)

Niq: Hello.?

Alyssa: Hey Niq Niq

Niq: Oh hey Lyssa.!!

Alyssa: We're outside

Niq: Ok We're on our way down

(We hung up and a minute later, they came outside and got in the car. We went to the movies and had hella fun. I dont even really remember the movie because we were so busy talking and catching up with each other.

After we got out of the movie, we went to Cold Stone Creamery to go get some ice cream. As we were walking in, I bumped into someone and that caused them to spill their ice cream on my pants.)

???: Im sooo sorry.!!

Alyssa:(Laughing) Its fine.!! Its fine.!!

???: I am such a klutz

Alyssa:(Smiles) Its ok I am too

???: Nice job making me feel better Im Isiah

Alyssa: Nice to meet you Isiah Im Alyssa

Isiah: Nice to meet you too Here Let me help you get this ice cream off you

(He grabbed a napkin and wiped my pants off.)

Isiah: There good as new

Alyssa: Thank you kind sir

Isiah: So, did you just move here.? Because I come here all the time and Ive never seen you

Alyssa: No I didnt I love in LA but Im from Philly Im just here visting some friends of mine

Isiah: Oh thats cool Hey, how about you let me buy you soome ice cream.?

Alyssa: Um, ok

(He followed me over to where everyone else was standing in line.)

Alyssa:Guys, this is Isiah Isiah, these are my best friends Roc, Prod, Ray, Prince, Zonnique, Bahja, and Breuanna

Niq:You can call me Niq or Niq Niq

Bre: You can call me Bre

Isiah: Arent ya'll Mindless Behavior and the OMG Girlz.?

Roc: Yep

Isiah: Well, nice to meet ya'll

(We got our ice cream and went outside to eat it.)

Isiah: Hey, Alyssa.?

Alyssa: Yeah.?

Isiah: I hope you dont think Im being too forward but I think your really beautiful

Alyssa:(Smiles) Aww, Thank you.!!

Isiah: So how much longer are you in town for.?

Alyssa: Until the 4th of January

Isiah: Well, would you like to go on a date with me before you go.?

Alyssa: Yeah I'd like that Here, let me give you my number

(We switched phones and put each others number in them.)

Prince: Lyssa.! We're leaving.! Come on.!

Alyssa:Coming.!! Well, I have to go See you later.?

Isiah: Yep I'll be calling you soon

Alyssa:I'll be waiting

(I walked away and went and got in the car. We dropped the girls off at Niq's house because Walter called and said he had something to tell us and to come back as soon as we could. We got to the hotel and went into his room. Kenneth and Keisha were also in there.)

Prod:So what's up guys.?

Kenneth:We have some HUGE news for you guys.!

Prince:Really.? What.?

Keisha: Ya'll will be going on tour this summer.!!

(Everyone, including me, starting cheering)

Roc:That's great.!!!

Walter: Thats not all.!! You guys will be headlining.!!

Prince:Your kidding.!!!???

Kenneth: Nope.!! We've been working on this for months now.!!

Keisha: And we found out that its definite while ya'll were gone

Alyssa: Aw, this is fantastic.!! Im so happy for you guys.!!

(I got up and hugged everyone. We talked for a couple more minutues and then everyone went to their rooms. When I got to mine, I took a shower, put on my pajamas, and laid on the bed watching TV. While I was watching, my phone rang playing Dangerously In Love by Destiny's Child. I looked at the caller ID and it said "Isiah ♥♥♥♥". I smiled and answered.


Isiah: Hey Alyssa.! This is Isiah

Alyssa: Yeah, I knida figured I have caller ID

Isiah:Oh my bad But I was wondering if us going out on the 2nd would be good for you.?

Alyssa:Yeah thats cool

Isiah:All right i'll see you then

Alyssa:Ok Bye

Isiah: Bye beautiful

(We hung up and I layed there thing for a mintue.)

Her Thoughts

OMG.!! I cant believe Im going on a date on Friday.!! I cant wait to tell the girls and the guys.......Oh no.!! I completely forgot about Prod.!! Im SUPPOSED to be thinking about what he told me. I cant tell him Im going on this date, it'll break his heart. UGH, Fuck My Life.!!!!

Kind of a filler but thats ok........................You'll get over it

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