Chapter 21

707 9 3

Date: May 24, 2012

Alyssa's POV

When I woke up this morning, me, Prince, Roc, and Ray were all laying on the living room floor. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair and I started to shake Roc to wake him up.

Roc: Five more minutes mommy.!!

Alyssa: Tf.?! Get up Roc.!!

Roc:(Groans and sits up) What.?!

Alyssa: I wanna go to the hospital

Roc:(Looks at the clock) Lyssa, its not even 8 yet.!! Chill out.!! Prod is still gonna be at the hospital at 11

Alyssa: Ugh.!! Fine then.!!

(I got up and went upstairs to my room. I got in the shower and did my hygiene. I got out and lotioned up. I put on my outfit and my shoes and ran back downstairs. I wrote the guys a note and I left it on the counter. I grabbed my keys and my purse and ran out the door. I drove to the hospital and walked in. I speed walked down the hall and went into Prod's room. To my surprise, Prod was awake and smiling.)

Alyssa: Prodigy.!!!

(I ran up to the bed and hugged him tight.)

Prod: Lyssa, not so tight.!!

Alyssa:(Lets go) Im sorry.!! How did you, When did you wake up.?

Prod:About a couple hours ago

Alyssa: Do the doctors know.?

Prod: Yeah They came in just after I woke up

Alyssa:(Sighs) Your parents are gonna be so happy your awake.!

Prod:My parents are here.?

Alyssa: Yeah They came as soon as they found out what happened

Prod: Oh Well, what about you.? Are you ok.?

Alyssa: Yeah I mean, I just have this cast from when Isiah threw me on the ground but other than that, Im fine

Prod: Good I don't know what I would've done if you weren't ok

Alyssa:(Looks down) Yeah

Prod:So, how long was I out for.?

Alyssa: Almost a week

Prod: Where's Isiah.?

Alyssa: In jail Luckily, they caught the bastard within 24 hours so now, they're just waiting for his trail to start on the 15th

Prod: Good riddance (Holds Alyssa's hand) I heard you

Alyssa: Hmm.?

Prod:When I was in the coma I heard you everyday you would come in here and talk to me I wanted to talk back so bad but........I couldn't so I just want you to know that I feel the same way you do.........only more I love you sooo much.!

Alyssa:(Smiles) I love you too

(I leaned forward and we kissed passionately. When we pulled away, I bit my lip.)

Alyssa: I missed those

Prod: Well, you don't have to worry about missing them anymore because Im never gonna leave you again

Alyssa: Promise.?

(Prod took both of my hands in his and held them to his mouth. He kissed them.)

Prod: I promise

(For the rest of the day, everyone came and visited Prod. Later that night, I decided to spend the night. I came back in the room and saw Prod watching TV. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.)


Look who finally decided to wake up.!! Im so thankful that he's back with us for sure now.!!! @threalprodigy_1 Don't forget our promise babe

(I walked over to the bed and started playing with his Mohawk.)

Alyssa: You comfortable.?

Prod: Yeah babe Im fine.!! You've been asking me that all day.!!

Alyssa: Im sorry.!! I just wanna make sure your ok.!!

Prod: Im fine.!! I promise.!! (Sighs) Come here

(I climbed up on the bed next to him and he wrapped his huge arms around me. I layed my head on his shoulder and we watched TV until we fell asleep.)

Another filler.............................

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