Chapter 27

701 13 3

Date: June 20, 2012 5:25am

Alyssa's POV

Prod: So,...........How is she.?

Doctor:(Sighs) She's gonna be just fine

(We all looked at each other and cheered.)

Doctor: We almost lost her but we were able to revive her

Ray: And the baby.?

Doctor: The baby is great Amazingly, it wasn't harmed at all

Bre: Thank god.!! When can we see her?

Doctor: You can see her now if you like

(Everyone ran in the direction that Nique's room was. I started to walk that way when I noticed that Ray walked out of the hospital doors. I went into Nique's room to see Bre and Bahja hugging the life outta her.)

Nique: Guys,........I cant breathe

Bahja: Sorry

(They let her go. I went over to her and hugged her gently.)

Alyssa: How you feeling.?

Nique: Honestly,......I feel really stupid

Roc: Why would you try to do that to yourself, Niq Niq.?

Nique: I don't know.........I guess I thought that........If I didn't have Ray, I couldn't live so I went into the bathroom and took one of Lyssa's old painkillers cause I thought it would make the pain go away After 20 minutes, I still felt like crap so I took another..........Ya'll know the rest

Prince: Well, Im just happy your alright

Prod: Same here

Nique: Thanks you guys

(We stood around and talked for a minute. Me and Prod walked outta the room to go get everyone coffee.)

Prod: Hey Lyssa.?

Alyssa: Yeah.?

Prod: Im sorry

Alyssa:(Looks at him and raises an eyebrow) About what.?

Prod: About kinda flipping on you about the whole pregnancy test thing

Alyssa: Oh.! Your good.!! Im just happy you understand my reason for not telling you

Prod: Yeah and Im proud of you

Alyssa: For what.?

Prod: For having Nique's back so hard (Gets closer and wraps his arm around my waist. ) I love ride or die girls (He licks and sucks on my ear.)

Alyssa: Oh really.?

Prod: Mmmm, hell yeah

Alyssa:(Pushes him off me) Ok big boy Why don't you cool your hormones until later, ok.?

Prod:(Pouts) Fine but later, your mines

Alyssa: Alright Its a deal But hey, Im gonna go look for Ray, ok.?

Prod: Ok (Kisses my cheek) Bye

Alyssa: See you

(I walked down the hallway out of the hospital doors. I saw that it was pouring down raining. I ran to my car and hopped in. I started the car and drove back to the house. I pulled into the driveway and ran inside the house.)

Alyssa: Ray.?! Ray, are you here.?!

(I didn't hear an answer so I went upstairs to his room. I got to the doorway and looked in. Ray was leaning against the window watching the rain fall. I walked up behind him.)

Alyssa: Hey How you doing.?

Ray: I feel like shit Because of me, the love of my life and my seed could've been gone

Alyssa: I know that you feel bad but you cant beat yourself up about it forever What you need to be worried about is making things right with Nique

Ray:(Turns around to face me) Do you think she'll take me back.?

Alyssa: Ray, that girl tired to kill herself over you.!! It might be hard but I think she will.!!

Ray: Thanks Lyssa.! I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He pulled me into him and we hugged tightly. We slowly pulled out of the hug. Ray looked me in my eyes and he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. All of a sudden, he smashed his lips onto mine. At first, I didn't kiss back but then, my lips started to move in sync with his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I threw my arms around his neck and we kept kissing. I realized what I was doing and I quickly pulled away.)

Alyssa: What the fuck, Ray.?!

Ray: Im so sorry.!! I didn't mean to.!!

Alyssa: How could you do that.?!! You know Im with Prod.!!

Ray: I know.!! I know.!! I just couldn't help myself.!! (Gets closer to me.) Your just so beautiful.!!

(He started to come closer and closer to me. Every time he moved forwards, I moved backwards. We kept doing that until my back was against the wall. He put his hands by either side of my face. He leaned down.)

Ray: I know that Im trying to work things out with Nique and I know your with Prod All I want is a kiss

Alyssa: Ray.........

Ray: Just one kiss

Alyssa:(Sighs) Fine

(He leaned down and kissed me passionately. All of a sudden, I heard a gasping sound. I pulled away and saw Prod standing at the door.)

Prod:(Getting really pissed) going on here.?!

Alyssa: Baby, its not what you think it is.!!

Prod: Oh really.?!! It looks like you were kissing my EX best friend.!!

Alyssa: Well, I was but it didn't mean anything.!! I only love you.!!

Prod:(Scoffs) You have a nice way of showing it.!! I loved you.! I gave you every part of me, every part of my heart and you just stomped all over it.!

(He reaches behind his neck and undoes his half heart from around his neck. He throws it on the ground in front of me. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.)

Prod: In case you didn't know, its over.!

(He stormed off and went to his room. He slammed the door. I just slumped down onto the ground and cried my eyes out.)

Did I just lose the love of my life.?!

Well, I didn't know I was gonna write all this.!! But I hope you guys like it.!!

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