Chapter 25

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Date: June 19, 2012

Alyssa's POV

When I woke up the next morning, Prod was laying behind me and he had his arms around my waist. I turned around so that I was facing him and I kissed his nose. His eyes fluttered open.

Prod:(Groans) Good morning

Alyssa: Good morning

(I looked at him and I noticed that he was staring at me.)

Alyssa: Why are you staring at me.? Do I have something in my teeth.?

Prod: No.! Your just........beautiful

Alyssa:(Laughs) Even in the morning.?

Prod: I think that's when you look the most beautiful

Alyssa: You are too sweet

(We kissed passionately. All of a sudden, Nique and Ray burst in Prod's room.)

Prod: Do ya'll knock much.?

Ray: Fuck knocking.!! Ya'll have to come hear this.!

(We hopped out of the bed and ran out of the room. Ray and Nique walked over to Roc's door where Bre and Prince where standing.)

Alyssa: What the fuck is.....(GCO)

Prince: Shhh.!! Come here and listen.!

(We all walked over and put our ears against the door.)

Bahja: Oh fuck Roc.!!

Roc: Yeah Scream Daddys name baby

(We all laughed.)

Bahja: Babe, did you hear that.?

Roc: The only thing I heard was your sexy ass Now, come here

(We backed up from the door and stood there trying not to laugh.)

Alyssa: I guess she got what she wanted, huh.?

Prince: What you mean.?

Nique: Bahj told us yesterday that she had feelings for Roc

Alyssa: And I was gonna work on getting them together but it looks like my services wont be needed

(We heard a loud scream come from the room.)

Bahja: OH FUCK.!!!

Roc: Shit babe.!! Im cuming.!!

Bre: Anyway, what do ya'll wanna do today.?

Nique: Bre and Lyssa, I have something that I think is gonna take a while Can ya'll help me, please.?

Alyssa: Sure we gotchu

Ray: I guess that means its.....

Ray, Prince, and Prod: GUY TIME.!!!

(All three of them do the dougie.)

Bre: Well, since its guy time, what are ya'll gonna do.?

Prod: Ya'll wanna go shot some hoops.?

Prince: Yeah All we gotta do is shower, change clothes, and wait for Roc's ass

Ray:(Bangs on Roc's door) Roc.!!


Ray: We going to shoot hoops have yo ass ready in an hour

Roc: Aight

Nique: Bahja, get yo ass out here.!! We have a major thing to take care of.!!!

Bahja: Ok Im coming.!!

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