Chapter 7

883 18 3

Date: January 3, 2012

Alyssa's POV

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing. I picked i up with out looking at the caller ID.

Alyssa:(Sleepily) Hello.?

Isiah:Hey beautiful

Alyssa: Oh Hey Isiah

Isiah:So you ready for me to come up.?

Alyssa:Um, (Looks at the time) Its only 11

Isiah:I know but I wanna spend the WHOLE day with you before you leave

Alyssa:Well, how can I say no to that.? How far are you.?

Isiah:I'll be there in 20 minutes

Alyssa:Ok I cant wait to see you

Isiah: Me either See you soon

(We hung up and I ran into the bathroom. I freshened up. I put on a chill outfit since we were just gonna be in here all day. I made my bed and layed on it. 5 minutes later, someone knocked on the door and I jumped up to answer it. I fixed my hair then opened the door.)

Isiah:Hi beautiful.!


(He picked me up and hugged me tight. While we were hugging, he kissed my cheek. He set me down and I let him in.)

Alyssa:Welp, make yourself comfortable


(He took off his jacket and shoes and climbed onto the bed next to me.)



Isiah:What's it like being with the guys all the time.?

Alyssa:It's fun I mean, it does get kinda annoying because they ARE boys but I love them so much So, what are some intresting things about you.?

Isiah:Well, Im 16, I can draw, I rap a little, I love hanging out with my friends, and I live with my mom, dad, and my little sister, MaKayla

Alyssa:Oh Thats cool

Isiah:What about you.?

Alyssa:Um, I work for MB, I love writing songs, I have a pretty good singing voice, Im an only child, and Im 15

Isiah: Cool

(We talked for like two hours about our whole lives up until now. For a person who is always smiling, he sure has had a lot of heartbreak in his life. His grandmother died from loosing a battle with cancer six months ago and his grandfather died a couple years before from a really bad heart attack.

When he told me that, he looked so sad and helpless. I pulled him into me and held him. I started to feel even worse when I felt tears fall on my pants. He lifted his head up from my lap and looked at me with tears still in his eyes.)

Isiah:You must think Im a punk for crying, huh.?

Alyssa:No of course not (I wiped the tears off his face) It shows me that you actually have some emotion, but I could see that already

Isiah: (He looked into my eyes) Thank you

Alyssa:For what.?

Isiah:For listening to me You know, this is the first time Ive cried about my grandparents dying It felt good to let it all out

Alyssa:Well, Im glad I could be of help

(He smiled at me and we cuddled together on my bed. We watched movies for the next few hours. All of a sudden, I heard someone knock on my door. I looked up at Isiah since I was laying on his chest and saw that he was peacefully sleeping.)

Alyssa:Come in

(Ray, Prod, Roc, and Prince all walked into my room)

Ray:Hey Lys, we were gonna (He sees me and Isiah) Ooooo, what are yall doing.?

Alyssa:Nothing.! Im watching TV and he's sleeping so please keep it down

Prince:Oh Our bad

Roc:But we came to tell you that we were gonna go out with the girls and go to Waffle House

Prod:Ya'll wanna go.?

(I looked up at Isiah and sighed.)

Alyssa:Nope We're good You guys have fun though

Ray:Aight Bye Bestie

(They left and I continued watching TV.)

Isiah:You didnt have to do that


Isiah:If you wanted to go, I wouldve been cool here for a couple hours

Alyssa:(Smiles) Aww, that's sweet.!! But Id rather be here with you anyway


(He kissed my cheek and we watched some movies, talked, and took pictures for like four more hours.)

Isiah:(Looks at the time) I have to go My mom wanted me home by 11:15

Alyssa:But its only 10:45

Isiah:I have a 20 minute drive

Alyssa:(Pouts) Oh ok

(I watched him as he put on his shoes and coat. He pulled me off the bed and he hugged me tight.)

Alyssa: I dont want you to go.!

Isiah:I dont wanna leave either but I'll try to come see you before you leave in the morning, ok.?

Alyssa:(Nods) Alright

(He loosened his grip on me but I still held on to him tightly.)

Isiah:(Sighs) Alyssa, your making this really hard

Alyssa:(Let go of him) Im sorry I just feel this really strong connection with you

Isiah:Yeah.? Well, I feel it too (Checks the time) Ok, I really have to go if Im gonna make it home in time


(I walked him to the door and opened it for him.)

Isiah:See you later, ok.?

Alyssa:Ok Bye


(He kissed me on my forehead and then walked away. I sighed and closed the door and locked it. I got on my bed and grabbed my phone. I logged onto Twitter and made a tweet.)

Im so sad right now.!! I need that person to come back already.!!! I miss him.!!!

(I waited and after five minutes, I had 150 re tweets and 5 five replies. I looked through them and saw Isiah commented.)

@OGAlyssa I miss you too.!!! I'll see you soon.!!

(I favorited his tweet. I put my phone on the charger, turned off the light and went to sleeping thinking about Isiah.)

Im actually liking how this series is turning out now............cause at first, I didnt. Now all I need to know is if YOU guys are liking it.....................

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