Chapter 26

697 13 3

Date: June 19, 2012

Alyssa's POV

Prod: Alyssa, is this yours.?

Alyssa: No

Prod: Then, whos is it.?

Alyssa: Um,.........

Prod: Im not gonna ask again Now, whos is it.?

Alyssa:.........I cant tell you

Prod: Alyssa.!! We're in a relationship.! You should trust me enough to tell me.!

Alyssa: I DO trust you.! Its just that I promised the person that I wouldn't say anything.!!

(All of a sudden, we heard a huge crashing sound. We ran out of my room.)

Prod: Where did that come from.?

(We stood still and listened from a minute. We heard a screaming sound come from Ray's room.)

Alyssa: Its in Ray's room.!!

(We ran to his door and busted in. We saw Ray standing up looking mad as hell. Nique was laying on the ground curled up into a ball. I ran over to her. I looked at her and saw that she had a busted lip and a black eye.)

Prod: What the fuck is going on.?!!!

(By then, Roc, Bahja, Bre, and Prince had ran in the room too. Bre and Bahja came over to me and Nique.)

Ray: That bitch cheated on me.!!

Prince: What are you talking about.?!

Ray: She's pregnant.!! And I know its not mine because Ive wrapped it up every time we've been together.!!

Nique: No you didn't.!! Not the first time we did.!!

Roc: Ok, even if she did cheat on you which Im positive she didn't, that doesn't give you the right to put your hands on her

Bre: He's right.! She IS pregnant.!

Ray: Bre, shut yo dumb ass up.!!

Prince: Aye, I know your upset but watch how you talk to my girl.!

Ray: Nigga, please.! You better shut up before I take yo girl and give her this dick.!

(Prince tackled Ray to the ground and started punching the shit outta him. Me and the girls ran out of the room and into my room. We all sat on my bed.)

Bahja: Ok What the hell happened.?!


Nique's POV

(We walked in the house after going out to eat. Me and Ray went upstairs to his room. He sat on the bed and I sat in his lap.)

Ray: You know I love you, right.?

Nique: I know You tell me every day but I love you too

Ray:(Holds my hand) I cant wait to marry you someday...........Have kids with you I want a daughter who looks just like you

Nique:(Laughs nervously) Um, about that...........You might not have to wait too long for that last part

Ray:(Raises his eyebrow) What you mean.?

Nique: Ray, (Takes a deep breath) Im pregnant

(His face went from a smile to just completely blank. He let go of my hands and stood up. He started to pace around the room. I stood up.)

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