Chapter 18

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Date: May 20, 2012

(He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the house. He opened the door to the passenger side for me and I slid in. He went around to the other side and hopped in. He started the car and he started to drive. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't really care. About 10 minutes later, we pulled up to this rocky cliff that over looked the ocean. I got out of the car.)

Alyssa: Wow......

Prod: You remember this.?

Alyssa: Yeah When we first moved out here, we used to come out here all the time We haven't been out here in what......almost 3 years.?

Prod: Yeah I started coming back when we were arguing

(I looked at him and saw that he was sitting on the hood of my car. I walked over to him and I sat in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me.)

Prod: So, how you doing since that whole thing with Isiah.?

Alyssa: You know, I haven't really even thought about it that much

Prod: That's good He's an ass if he cheated on a beautiful girl like you

Alyssa: (Smiles) Thanks Prod

Prod: Your welcome

(We sat there in silence for a while and we just watched the waves lap against the shore.)

Prod: Lyssa, can I tell you something.?

Alyssa: Anything You know that

Prod: Alyssa, I love you and I wanna be with you

Alyssa: Prod, I love you too but I hope that's not your way of asking me to be your girl

Prod:(Smiles) Alyssa, you have been there for me through thick and thin You are my rock and without you, I don't know what I would do so Will you be my girl.?

Alyssa:(Smiles) I though you'd never ask

(I got up, turned around to face him, and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled in the kiss. He slowly pulled away.)

Prod: So, did you have a good birthday.?

Alyssa: I had a great birthday I got to spend time with my best friends in the whole wide world and I finally got the guy I wanted all along.........I love you

Prod: Mmm I love you too beautiful

(He kissed me again and we continued to watch the waves and just talk for about another hour. We realized we better head home so we got in the car and drove back to the house. By then, everyone was gone and when we walked in, Ray, Roc, Prince, Nique, Bahja, Bre, Diggy, and Jacob were cleaning up.)

Bahja: Where the hell did ya'll two go.?

Diggy: Yeah I saw ya'll sneak out here together

Prod: Oh we just went somewhere to talk for a while

Ray: Oh About what.?

(I looked at Prod. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him softly. When we pulled away, everyone had their mouths open.)

Bre: Aw, congratulations.!!

(Everyone crowded around us and hugged us.)

Prod: Ok guys.!! Cant breathe.!!

Jacob: Sorry.!! (They let us go)

Nique: Im so happy for ya'll.!!!

Prince: Hey, what do ya'll wanna do.?

Diggy: What you talking bout.? Its 11:30

Prince: I know but I don't wanna go to sleep yet......

Roc: Ya'll wanna go to IHop.?

Everyone: Yeah Lets go

(Once again, everyone couldn't fit in the same car so this time, we took three cars. Me, Prod, Ray, and rode in Ray's car. Prince, Roc, and Bre rode in her car. Diggy, Jacob and Bahja rode in Diggy's car. We met at IHop and we walked in and sat at the counter. For an hour and a half, we just sat there, having fun, talking, taking pictures, and just enjoying each others company. After that, we all decided to go to the beach.

When we got there, we all were doing different things. Roc and Diggy were having running contests. Ray was talking to Nique by the shore and they looked pretty comfortable. Jacob, Prince, Bre, and Bahja were talking about clothes. Me and Prod were sitting in the sand talking.)

Prod: I cant believe that after all this time, your finally mines

Alyssa: Yeah Me either (Sighs) Ugh, Im ready for the tour to start already.!!

Prod: And watch, after two weeks your gonna be like "I cant wait to be back home.!!"

Alyssa: But that's how I am

Prod: And how is that.?

Alyssa: bi-polar

(We laughed. Just then, Bahja ran up to us.)

Bahja: Guys, you ready.?

Prod: Yeah

(He stood up then turned around and pulled me up.)

Alyssa: Ya'll staying the night tonight.?

Bahja:(Nods) Yeah and Dig and Jake said they are too

(We all got back in our cars and drove back to the house. Keisha, Walter, and Kenneth left earlier in the morning to handle some business for me and the boys and they wouldn't be back until the 30th. When we got to the house, everyone went upstairs to go to sleep except me and Prod.)

Alyssa: What time is it.?

Prod: Um (Looks at his phone) 3:42am

Alyssa: Damn, we stayed out that late.?

Prod: Yep Well, Im gonna go hit the sheets babe

Alyssa: Ok goodnight

Prod: Goodnight (He picked me up and kissed me passionately. We made out for what seemed like forever. He pulled away and then set me down gently.)

Prod: I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He kissed me one more time and we both went into our rooms. When I walked in my room, Nique was sleeping on my couch, Bahja was on the floor, and Bre was in the bed. I went into the bathroom, pulled off my dress, and changed into an tank top and some basketball shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail, got in the bed next to Bre, and drifted off to sleep.)

A filler.............Oh well........

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