Chapter 20

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Date: May 21, 2012

Alyssa's POV

When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a hospital bed. I turned my head to see my mom, dad, and Ray sitting down crying. My mom was holding my hand so I moved it to let her know that I was awake.

Sharon: Alyssa.?!

Alyssa: (Weakly) M-mommy.?

Ian: Oh thank god that your alright.!

Alyssa: What happened.?

Ray: Isiah tried to kill you and Prod

Alyssa: (Thinks for a minute) I remember now (Gasps) Where's Prod.?! Is he ok.?!

Sharon: Honey calm down.!!

Ian: Craig is in a coma

Ray: Yeah Isiah shot him in the stomach and in the leg

Alyssa: But he's gonna be ok, right.?!

Sharon: Honestly, the doctors don't know

(Hearing that broke my heart inside. I started to cry uncontrollably. My mom sat on the bed next to me and held me in her arms. Ray came over to me and held my hand.)

Ray: Im gonna go check on him for you, ok.?

Alyssa: Thank you

Ray: No problem

(He kissed my forehead and left the room. I ended up falling asleep in my mom's arms. When I woke up, it was 9:26am and my mom and dad were gone. I didn't have much time to myself though because Prince, Ray, and Roc busted in.)

Prince: Hey Lyssa

Alyssa: Hi you guys (They each hugged me but not too hard since I was still in pain.)

Roc: How you doing.?

Alyssa: I really don't know because the doctor hasn't told me anything yet so......

Ray: Oh ok I checked on Prod for you

Alyssa: (Looks down) How is he.?

Ray: He's doing a little better He still hasn't woken up but he's breathing on his own now so that's a good sign

Alyssa: Great.!

(Just then, the doctor walked in.)

Dr. Smith: Hello, Ms.VanZant

Alyssa: Hi

Dr.Smith: Well, from the looks of things, the only injury you sustained is a broken arm So you just have to get a cast on that and then you can leave

Alyssa: When exactly will I be able to leave.?

Dr. Smith: Tomorrow

Alyssa: Ok Thank you

Dr. Smith: No problem

(He left the room)

Alyssa: Hey, can ya'll do me a favor.?

Roc: Whats up.?

Alyssa: Can ya'll take me to Prod's room.?

Ray: What you mean.? You cant walk.?

Alyssa: (Shakes her head) Nah Im in too much pain

Prince: I got you misfit

(He picked me up slowly and we all walked out of my room and walked down the hall and into Prod's room. When we got there, I saw Mr. Craig and Ms. Wanda. Mama Wanda looked like she had been  crying.)

Alyssa: Hi

Mama Wanda: Hey Alyssa (She got up and hugged me softly. Mr. Craig came and kissed my cheek)

Mr. Craig: How you doing, honey.?

Alyssa: (Sighs) Not too good Im not gonna be ok until I know that he's ok

Mama Wanda: Yeah Im with you honey

(I walked over and stood next to the bed. Prod's eyes were closed and his breathing looked a little uneven. I grabbed his hand and held it to my heart.)

Mr. Craig: um, Alyssa, we're gonna go get something to eat You want anything.?

(I shook my head no.)

Mama Wanda: Alright Call us if anything happens

(They all left leaving me alone with Prod. I pulled a chair up right next to his bed and sat down. I never let go of his hand.)

Alyssa: Aw, babe Its my fault your like this If I would've just went with you in the first place instead of going with Isiah, you wouldn't even be here I feel like all this is my fault But then again, Isiah shouldn't have cheated on me (Strokes his cheek) Babe, you HAVE to wake up I don't know what I would do if you didn't.........

(For the rest of the day, I sat in Prod's room and just held his hand and talked to him. A nurse came in at about 9:30 and said that I had to go back to my room.  I reluctantly left the room and went to my room. I got in the bed and cried myself to sleep.)

Date: May 22, 2012

Alyssa's POV

The next morning when I woke up, my pillow was soaked. I couldn't remember clearly but I figured that I had cried myself to sleep. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 11:30am. I sighed and got out of the bed. Just then, my mom walked in.

Sharon: Hi honey.!!

Alyssa: Hey mommy

Sharon: Are you ok, honey.?

Alyssa: I don't know........I just kinda feel like I shouldn't leave Prod here by himself

Sharon: He has to get better, Alyssa

Alyssa: No, I know.!! But still..........

Sharon:(Sits on the bed and puts her arm around her shoulders) Honey, I know your in love with him I can see it in your eyes And turst me, he's gonna wake up Im sure of it

Alyssa:(Sniffles) Thank you mommy

Sharon: No problem

(We hugged. I got up and my mom helped me get dressed since I couldn't do it by myself because of the cast. We took all of my things out to the car.)

Alyssa:Hey mom.?

Sharon: Yeah.?

Alyssa: Can I go see Prod before we leave.?

Sharon:(Smiles) Of course honey

(I ran back into the hospital and down the hall to Prod's room. I went into the room and saw JoJo talking to Prod.)

Alyssa:(Softly) Hey

JoJo: Hey Lyssa

Alyssa: Hows he doing.?

JoJo:(Sighs) He hasn't made any big progress

Alyssa: Oh Can I have a moment alone with him please.?

JoJo:(Smiles) Sure Lyssa

(He got up, gave me a hug, and left the room, closing the door behind him.)

Alyssa:(Stands next to the bed and holds his hand) Hey babe Im gotta go But I'll be thinking about you (Kisses his cheek) I love you

(I looked him over one more time, and I walked out of the room and out of the hospital. I got in the car with my mom and we drove to the Conjunction House.)

A filler..................................

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