Living With The other

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Part 1- Jacob's Point of View

Yeh, Marshall's great. He gets on my nerves sometimes, but everyone goes through that with their better half. Especially with Ashlyn, though. After we adopted Ashlyn he wouldn't even touch me. He was constantly afraid that Ashlyn would catch us. I tried to explain to him that after 4-year-olds go to sleep, they're out. He has always been the soft one. I think the last time we actually "did anything" was before we adopted Ash...3 years ago. We've kissed and messed around a little bit between now and then, but nothing special. We haven't even had a date night. I miss my Marshy. I've talked to our friends about what to do and he they've given great advice. Once, our friend Xan-Ash just looves her-attempted to take Ashlyn for the night so Marshy and I could have a night alone. Marshall was not up for that. Damn Marshall. He said: "When she's a little bit older, maybe." I've got to get him to loosen the grip with Ashlyn. Just like the other day. Ashlyn's little friend from pre-school wanted Ash to attend her birthday party. of course Marshall wouldn't go for that. "We'll just get her a present and send it in on Monday, Sweetie. I don't know her parents." Is what Marshall told Ashlyn.I love her just as much as Marshall does, but Marshall needs to understand she's growing up and needs a little bit of freedom. And, with having gay dads she's going to have enough to deal with as she gets older. Dont let me get ahold of the little bitch that makes fun of my daughter. We've been questioned about Ashlyn, how we're going to raise her as she gets older. I've told them, "We will raise our daughter without prejudices. And, tell her that love is love no matter what." She has asked about having 2 daddys and not a mommy and we just told her that 2 daddys ended up loving each other instead of a mommy and a daddy. She seemed okay with it. But, I've gotten off of topic. Okay, Marshall. Marshall and I are engaged. We will be married soon, July 18th, 2013. I just wish Marshy would loosen up with Ash, and show me a little affection.

Part 2- Marshall's Point of View

I love Jacob, I do. But, the way he handles things with Ashy. He's so laid back with her. Just like the other day, he wanted to actually have sex while Ashlyn was in the house. Excuse me, sir. There is a 4-year-old in the house. He "doubts that she'll actually wake up". She's 4 and unpredictable. I miss having freedom with my fiance, but I love and respect my daughter. He thinks I don't want to have any alone time with him, but trust me. I would love to have a night to myself with my baby. But, I'm not ready to have Ashlyn stay overnight yet. She's 4! Xan offered, and I trust Xan, I do. Ashlyn just isn't ready yet. I promised Jacob that I would atleast think about letting Xan keep Ashlyn for the night on Friday, but I just don't know. I'll talk to Ashy and see what she says. Another thing Jacob does that makes me want to rip his face off: He always makes a mess, and never cleans it up. We have a schedule as to when we take turns cooking and cleaning since we both have jobs. I clean on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's. He cooks on those days. I cook Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. He cleans on those days. Actually, he's supposed to clean on those days. He cleans, but it's never completely clean. So, I go back through and pick up Ashlyn's toys and everything else he missed. He thinks that Ashlyn should have to clean her own room. I don't think that Ashlyn should have to do anything. Housework is not a 4-year-old's job. I love Jac, but ugh!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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