Chapter 7

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I pace back and forth, this can't be happening! I can't be pregnant! I don't want to be pregnant! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! I place a hand on my tummy, there cannot be another thing inside me! I need to talk to Annie!.

I knock on Annie's door and I hear feet coming towards the door and luckily Annie opens it

"Oh Katniss, hi, come in! I was just putting Jacob down for his nap" she says and I walk in and I sit on the couch

"You want a drink?" She asks

"No thanks, I came here to kind of... Get some advice" I say and she sits down next to me

"Fire away"

She says and I tell her, Annie is known as the best person for advice, everyone goes to her, she's loved here

"Your lucky, I've been giving this kind of advice ever since I had Jacob" she says okay that's good

"Okay so what do you suggest?" I ask

"I know this may be frightening to you, I mean it's a actual thing living inside you waiting for life, and I know your scared because you think you'll be a bad mother and the baby might die, trust me that's what I thought but this thing inside you that's growing it's a living joy when you have it" she says

"But I know that it'll happen, the child will hate me and adore Peeta" I say starting to cry

"Shhhhh, listen, I thought that with Jacob but he loves us both, he always asks for both of us to tuck him in, no matter what you say or do, your child will love you unconditionally, trust me on this" she says and I calm down and she sniffs the air

"Quick! Finnick and Peeta are coming! Hide in the closet!" She says and I scurry covering myself into the pitch black closet and hiding between the clothes

"Hey honey!" I hear Annie

"Who else is in hear?" Peeta asks

"Uh no one!" She says but I hear Peetas loud feet coming and the door opens and I shut my eyes but I hear him chuckle

"Katniss, come out" he says, maybe if I don't answer he'll go!

"I can see your feet" he says and moves the clothes and I open my eyes and see him standing there

"You keep forgetting that I'm your mate and I marked you" he says

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" I say which makes him chuckle

"What were you doing here anyway?" He asks and I look to Annie from behind his shoulder and she nods and I sigh

"I'll tell you when we get home" I say taking his hand and he smiles

"Thanks for going for a run today Peet" Finnick says shaking his hand

"Anytime Fin" he says and he looks to me

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod.

"So the real reason I was at Annie's place was..." I trail off biting my lip and he stands from the couch I must have tears in my eyes

"Baby what's wrong?" Peeta asks

"Peeta I'm pregnant" I say starting to cry and he hugs me

"Shhh Kat, it'll be okay, we'll be okay" he coos

"You think so?" I ask and he pulls away and places a hand on my cheek

"I know so" he says and places his lips on mine, I put my arms around his neck and his on my tummy

"Hey, Katniss and Peeta we ha- woah!" We pull away to see Finnick

"Yes Finnick?" Peeta asks

"Boarder guards brought in news" he says

"What news?" Peeta asks

"Left over rouges from Gales tribe" he says

"What?!" He yells

"Peeta, I can't do this when their out there" I say starting to worry

"Katniss, never will I ever let them hurt you or our baby" Peeta says and kisses my lips softly

"Stay here, I'm gonna check it out" he says and I nod

Peeta POV

"We want to speak to the alpha!" A kid about eighteen yells

"That's me" I say stepping up, their just at the boarder line

"You killed my father" he growls I think for a moment and it clicks

"I never knew Gale had a son" I say folding my arms

"Well he did and you killed him" he says angrily

"Your father, was going to kill my wife while I was watching, I had to do something" I say back

"Listen! You hand her over and we'll be on her way!" He says frustrated

"Over my dead body" I growl and one of his members whisper something in his ear and he smirks

"Or when your child is born, it belongs to me" he says and my eyes grow wide

"You will not touch my baby" I growl

"Well it's either one or the other" he says

"No! You will not touch any of them! You can't come to my tribe and demand my mate or child! So I suggest that you take your rouges and bother some other tribe" I say growling and he growls at me

"This isn't over" he growls and they run away

"What are are we going to do?" Finnick asks

"I don't know but I'm going home and protecting Katniss and my child" I say running back home, I won't let him hurt my family, I'll make sure of it.

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