Chapter 8

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~2 Months Later~

I'm already VERY big, I went to the pack doctor and she said that the pregnancy will go way quicker so I'm already four months along so at seven months my babies will be born, did I forget to mention they were twins? Girl and a boy, we've already come up with names as well! Xander and Emilia, we haven't heard from Gales son thank god, the whole town is excited, Peeta won't shut up about how he's going to be a father, everyone is annoyed but I find it amusing.

"Luna Katniss!" I see a little boy say as I walk through our little tribe town

"Oh hello!" I say holding my swollen tummy

"Look! I picked this for you!" He says holding out a rue flower and I smile and take it

"Thank you! I love it!" I say and he smiles

"What's going on here?" Peeta says putting an arm around my waist and I smile

"I was giving Luna Katniss a flower I picked!" The little boy says and Peeta chuckles

"You been working on your fighting skills, Gaston?" Peeta asks and he's scrunches up his face

"Oh course! Everyday with papa!" He says punching the air and I laugh and so does Peeta

"Gaston!" I hear a middle aged lady yell

"Sorry mama, I needed to give Luna Katniss a flower" he says and his mother bows

"I'm sorry if he bothered you Luna Katniss" she says and I smile

"He was no trouble" I say ruffling his hair and he giggles

"Oh thank you! And congratulations on your twins!" She says and I smile rubbing my tummy

"Thank you" I say

"Well thanks again" she says and takes Gaston's hand and they walk away, I turn to Peeta and he smiles

"See perfect mother figure right there" he says and I smile and he kisses my cheek and we start walking around

"How was the boarder check?" I ask

"We picked up their sent but we chased them off" he says and I smile

"What a perfect father and alpha I married" I say intertwining our hands together and he smiles and kisses my cheek and I smile.

"So Prim how's that nursing course?" I ask as we eat dinner and she smiles

"It's going great, almost finished it" she says

"That's great little sister!" Peeta says happily and she smiles

"Well the little ones are almost here" she says and I smile

"It's very exciting" I say

"Yep we've got the nursery all set up" Peeta says and she smiles.

~In Bed~

"Peeta" I say

"Yeah" he says

"Their kicking" I say and he places a hand on my tummy, feeling them kick one tougher then the other

"You can tell Xander will be strong when he's older, like his daddy" I say and Peeta smiles and leans down

"Hello in there" he says and I mess with his hair

"This is your daddy speaking, if maybe you could stop kicking your mummy so she go to sleep" he says and they stop kicking and he lays on my chest while I play with his hair

"I can't wait till their born, we can be parents" Peeta says and I smile

"I know, so can I" I say

"You know another joy of you being pregnant?" Peeta says

"What?" I ask

"Your boobs get even bigger" he says and I hit the back of his head

"Ow!" He says and I giggle

"Watch it" I say and he chuckles, I turn off the lamp and soon nightmares come


"Mama!" Xander exclaims as Peeta runs around with him on his tummy

"Wow!" I say

Suddenly the scene changes, the sky is grey and I look around and hear screaming, I look around, fires and lots of rouges, killing the tribe, no! No!

"Katniss!" I look and see Peeta and all the rouges teaming up and killing him, I try to get to him but my feet are stuck to the ground and all I see are the rouges taring him apart and I cry

"No Peeta!" I scream crying

"Mama!" I hear screams and I see my three year old children

"Xander! Emilia!" I yell but they don't see me and the rouges go towards them

"No! Please! Don't hurt my babies!" I yell crying and they all pounce and hear the screams of my little babies

"No! No!" I cry collapsing to the ground and crying into my hands

"My babies" I cry

"Peeta, Peeta" I cry and rock back and forth, my eyes shoot open.

~End Of Nightmare~

"Katniss, baby" Peeta says and I feel around and I feel my swollen tummy and I sigh

"Nightmare?" He asks

"Everyone died, you, Prim, the twins" I start to sob

"Shhhhhh I'm okay, I'll be alright" he says

"Peeta?" I sniff

"Yeah?" He asks in the dark

"Will you stay with me?" I ask

"Yeah" he says laying us down


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