Chapter 5

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Dippers POV

I woke up to the sound of a soft voice, singing a quiet song over on over again, it was like a lullaby, it was comforting.

"Your voice is pretty" I comment, this makes y/n jump

"Hey, e-er thanks?" y/n replied, she was slightly blushing

She was cute when she blushed, I lightly laughed at her reaction which caused her to blush even harder. It was 5:55am.

"like would you like to go to the woods? Before anyone wakes up?" I asked y/n

"sure, I'll just get changed" y/n said picking up her cloths and getting changed in the bathroom, I put on my normal everyday clothes getting changed under my covers. I then crept out the room, before I went to meet y/n downstairs I popped my head round the door the 'thankfully' see Bill and Mabel fast asleep. 'Finally, sometime i can spend with y/n on her own.

Your POV

Dipper came down in his casual clothes.

"So you wanna go now?" You ask

"Lets" he smiled

You walked into the forest, it was slightly misty, you suddenly hold Dippers hand, he blushed slightly but carried on walking. The mist started to get thicker and soon your were surrounded by milky white clouds.

"We're lost" Dipper sighed

"Cheer up, at least your not alone... Anyway do you wanna like go on a monster hunt or something like that?" you ask trying to cheer him up

"Yeh that will be fun, I've seen this thing in my journal, it's called the beast, I've seen posters up about it, it's the new Gravity Falls mystery, it says you can get a $1000 reward if you can get a picture of it" He says, pulling out a green printing on. In red writing it said

Monster on the loose

$1000 reward if you can get a picture of this beast

Then we can permanently get rid of it

You thought it was quite unfair you having to do the cops dirty work for them, but it would make Dipper happy so you accepted the offer. (See any references? <B^] (CLUE))

You trudged around a bit, then suddenly a shadow darted past in the corner of your eye.

"Go back before its too late" The voice warned

Though Dipper didn't seem to hear anything so I just ignored the warning messaged until they stopped, then so did we. A tall black shadow loomed above us, I was too scared to scream or move and looking at Dipper he was as well. The shadow had glowing white eyes and branches stuck out of its head

"You should of turned back" The voice thunfered


Cliff hanger!! Mwahahaha I'm so mean!

Anyone see another cartoon references? It's kinda obvious but still

<B^) <--- CLUE!!


Gravity Falls Bill x Reader x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now