Chapter 7

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A/n > Hey just wanted to say THANKS FOR THE NUMBER OF VIEWS! I'm hoping to reach 200 views when releasing this chapter! I hope your enjoying it so far! :)


Mabels POV

I woke up at 9 am I was thinking, I haven't thrown a Karaoke Party since Y/n arrived, and she does look like she needs cheering up from the whole new Edelwood antlers.

Every one else was asleep so I decided to get everything ready, guest wise, I designed these colourfully decorated posters, I copied them using Stans old photocopier, I stuck them around the shack and handed them out to a few people that lived near

11am, everyone was now awake and pretty much aware of my illumious posters, Grunkle Stan guessed it was a good way to earn money, $15 to enter and $15 to leave before the party is actually finished, he also rised all the merchandise is the shop up an extra $10.

Your POV

I woke up to the view of what seems like a thousand brightly coloured posters which plastered the walls

Karaoke Party at the Mystery Shack

6pm-10pm Might be free


The poster read

You thought you escaped parties here, you obviously didng, and a Karaoke Party! The only time you sing is quietly in the SHOWER! Parties weren't really your thing, and being half Edelwood that didn't make you any keener to go. They would probably just call you a freak of think your one of the Mystery Shacks attractions.

"You alright?" I hear Bill whisper

"what do you think? I'm half Edelwood, I've now got to go to a party and now I've gotta sing!" I hissed back

"sorry?" he said it more like a question which made you giggle

You get out of bed, you get changed into your f/c tee shirt and navy knee length shorts, over that you wore a f/f (favourite fandom) hoodie and then f/c trainers then went to see Mabel

"you can't go to the party like that?!" Mabel exclaimed

"I dunno what to wear" I groaned

"I will help" squeaked Mabel, with literally stars in her eyes

She took me up to our room and she shoved the boys out the room, actually having to drag then out of bed for one moment.

She pulled out a f/c shirt and black shorts, it was perfectly your style!

"For a minute then I thought you were going to bibbody boop me a dress" I chuckled

"Nearly did!" she laughed then she fell on the bed laughing hard.

You just smiled at her.

You got changed into your party clothes then started to put out drinks and snacks and all that stuff, you laid the doritos out which immediately reminded you of Bill which made you mentally laugh

Just 1 more hour to go

Bill changed into a white shirt, black formal trousters, a black bowtie and a yellow jumper, Dipper was wearing black jeans and a dark red v-neck tee shirt, he wasn't pulling it off well

Bill POV

Finally an opportunity to spend time with Y/n and to make Dipper jealous! All I've got to do is ask Y/n to dance, I've seen what she's wearing, she looks amazing, even if she is half tree.

"Hey um Y/n" I asked her

"Yeah" She replied

"Do you like, at the party wanna, you know like when the music and then umm" Ahh come on! I messed up! WHY?!

"You mean dance?" She corrected me

"um yes" I said scratching the back of my neck

"sure!" she replied

"cool" I said then I walked off

Well it could of went better, but at least I can dance with her!

Dippers POV

Ahh I saw Bill with Y/n! There is that feeling again in my stomach! He probably asked her to dance! I know, when they could be dancing I could ask Y/n if i could dance then we can be together, then I might ask her out! I mean sure she's like half tree, but I still like her. After the party I could ask her to come to the woods alone, then I can ask her out. And I know that if I can help her become human then she will have to say yes! So we go into the forest to find this purifying rock which I've seen in the journal! Then she will become human and everything will be perfect!

"I know what your planning Pinetree" bill said

"No, you can't ruin my chance with Y/n!" I hissed back

"I'll be watching you" bill chuckled then he went off to help set up the party


I've edited this chapter so like to make it longer, and THANKS FOR 205 VIEWS!! :D


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